Title: Changing

Author: Elandae

Pairing: Karl/Orli

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Don’t know them, just made this up to amuse myself….too much time on my hands, you see.

Feedback: Lurve it.

Dedication: This one is for Kels! Mwah Some Orli!Fic for you darling!


“What do you think of my new shirt?” Orli asked with a grin, eyeing Karl.


Karl looked up from his book, wincing automatically, “I thought you’d grown out of shirts like that, is what I think.”


“Oh come on, this is a great shirt.”


“To who?”


“Well, I like it,” Orli said stubbornly, looking down at his shirt.


“Well, I’m glad,” Karl replied, turning back to his book.


Orli stood watching him for a few minutes before he interrupted. “Come on, what’s not to like about the shirt?”


“The whole thing is just plain terrible.”


“You really don’t like it?”


“I really don’t. Though I will say, it does have one good quality,” Karl admitted.


“What’s that?” Orli asked with a triumphant grin.


“Well, it’ll save you having to tell people you’re gay,” Karl answered matter of factly.


“Oh, you’re such a riot,” Orli muttered.


“Really, I think I’m going to have nightmares about that shirt.”


“Fine, I’ll change,” Orli replied, arching one eyebrow. “I’ve got an even better one.”

Karl groaned at that thought, but didn’t look away as Orli whipped the shirt off over his head, flinging it into the corner.


He yanked another shirt from the drawer, pulling it over his head, mussing his dark curls.


“What about this one?”


“The other one was better.”


Orli made a face, but pulled the shirt back off.


“There, I think you look best like that,” Karl said as Orli stood bare chested before him, golden skin gleaming invitingly.


“Well, that’s all well and good, but I can’t exactly go out like this.”


Karl studied him, his hazel eyes dark. “Who said anything about going out?”


