Title: Freckles
Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)
Pairing: Karl/Harry
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don’t know them; this happened only in my head.
Feedback: Love it!
Harry pressed a soft kiss to Karl’s shoulder with a smile.
“That’s my favorite one,” he murmured.
“Your favorite one what?” Karl asked, his brow furrowed.
“ Freckles. That one was my favorite.”
“You can’t have a favorite freckle!”
“And why is that?” Harry asked with amused expression.
“Well, because…..they’re freckles.”
“That’s not a good reason.”
“Why not?"
"I love every little bit of you.”
“Yeah, that’s very sweet, Harry, but it’s a *freckle*, you can’t like that one over the others.”
“Is this a matter of equal rights? Will the other freckles be jealous?”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?” Harry studied Karl, propping his chin up on one hand.
“That one looks like every other one.”
“Not to me.”
“Really? How can you tell them apart?”
“I can’t.”
“Then how can you remember which one was your favorite?”
Harry smiled at Karl in a way that made his breath catch. "I can’t tell which it was. So that means, I’m just going to have to kiss every single one in turn until I remember which it was.”
The End.