Title: Melt Into Me
Author: Elandae
Pairing: Bean/Lijah
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Don’t know them, make *no* claims, and so on.
Feedback: Always welcome
Dedication: As always, for Misty, without who I would never have realized just how good Bean and Lij are together.
Come melt into me, Sean said.
I studied him as his words rang in the air, unsure what he meant. He pulled me close, and did not move, did not allow me to move, or even to speak.
This does not need words he whispered, and held me tighter.
My eyes drifted shut, and I felt him, only him. The steady beating of his heart, felt my own heart beat in rhythm with his. Together, only a steady pulsing rhythm that flowed over and around me. That flowed through me.
I swayed on my feet, and he caught me, never let me go. Pulled me close once more and let his body speak. Pressed his bare skin against mine, until I could feel him in my veins, until I didn’t know what was me and what was him.
His hands slid over my body, conforming to every flowing line, that made me think he knew me, was me. That he created me again just then, and did it again with every moment that passed.
With every whispered word, every caress, I melted. I flowed into him, unable to ever get close enough.
Melt into me, Sean whispered again, and I could no longer tell his voice from my own.
But this time I understood.
The End.