Title: More

Author: Elandae

Pairing: VigBean

Rating: R for language

Summary: Something other than beautiful.

Disclaimer: None of this is real; I made it all up in my sick and twisted little mind.

Feedback: Hit me with it

Dedication: This one’s for Catarina.


“You’re fucking beautiful, you know that Sean?”


“I believe you’ve mentioned that once or twice before.”


“Well, you are,” Viggo said simply, watching Sean intently, liking the way he squirmed under scrutiny.


“You know, I wouldn’t really say you are beautiful,” Sean commented, hoping to distract Viggo.


“Wow, thanks Sean. I’ve never felt more attractive.”


“Don’t be an arse, I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”


“Ah, I see. You think I’m horrific, but in a *good* way. Better be careful, Sean, you get any more charming, and I simply won’t be able to control myself.”


“No, I meant that beautiful just isn’t the right word. You’re something else entirely.”


“Oh, so I’m *something else*?” Viggo asked, his voice rich with amusement.


“That’s not what I meant, not really.” Sean replied, his brow furrowed.


“Well then, what did you mean?”


“It’s just that….I’m not any good with words, not like you,” Sean said worrying his bottom lip.


A soft smile warmed Viggo’s face, “Well, just give it a try,” he said, lowering his head and nibbling gently on Sean’s shoulder.


“Beautiful is such a….limited word. It’s too narrow. When someone says beautiful, you already have an image in your mind, an idea. It’s too defined.” Sean muttered absently, running his hands through his hair, making the blond strands stand out at odd angles.


“So, you’re saying that when someone says beautiful, my face is not one that jumps into people’s mind?” Viggo asked, doing his best to keep an amused smile off his face as he looked solemnly at Sean. 


“Yes, that’s exactly it. No, wait, not like that! Damn it Vig, you’re twisting this whole thing.”


“Am I now?”


“Yeah, what I meant is just that….you’re more.”


“More than what?”


“Everything. Every idea of beauty that anyone has. You’re more.”


“Wow, you’re really making up for that first comment,” Viggo said, grinning at the expression on Sean’s face.


“So when I said before that I didn’t really think you were beautiful-“ Sean started before Viggo cut in.


“Do you really think it’s a good idea to keep talking?’


“Well I was just going to say that-“




Sean looked distractedly over at Viggo, his mind elsewhere, trying to focus his attention on Vig, and simultaneously organize his thoughts.


“Don’t dig yourself any deeper.”


“Just let me get this out.”


“I dunno….”


“But I just wanted to add-“




“-that I think you are more than just-“




“Regularly beautiful,” Sean continued as if Viggo hadn’t interrupted. “You’re better,” he finally finished.


Laughing softly to himself, Viggo leaned closer to Sean, whispering into his ear, “thank you, Sean. Now if you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut up.”


Sean turned to him, ready to respond until Viggo smiled at him, rolling over onto Sean before leaning forward and kissing him softly. Sean relaxed into Viggo for a moment before pulling back.


“Is this your way of shutting me up?”


“It is indeed, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Perhaps I had better try harder?” Viggo asked with a promising grin. He moved closer, and this time it did work.


The End.
