Title: Near Miss

Author: Elandae

Pairing: Dave/??

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Don’t know them, don’t know anything! This is all made up.

Feedback: Makes my day


Time dragged. Each minute seemed twice as long without Dave around. I missed the way he smiled at me, the way it never failed to make my heart skip a beat.


The house seemed eerily silent without the soft sound of his voice, leaning close, whispering dark words into my ear that made me shiver. Making my breath catch in my throat


I missed the sound of his laughter, the infectious rumbling echoing in the room, making me laugh in return. 


My eyes grew heavy despite the early hour. I had discovered in the time since Dave had left that I had forgotten how to sleep without the steady warmth of his chest beneath my head as I drifted off. The slow even rise as he breathed soothing me, lulling me into sleep. The bed seemed empty without the solid heat of his body pressed into mine, familiar contours molding effortlessly together, until I could no longer define where I ended and he began.


Mostly I missed the easy glide of his hands over my body. My skin felt bare without the heat of his mouth finding the most sensitive areas on my body, making me shudder and shake beneath him. Knowing strokes and heated touches filling the room with the soft sounds of our mingled pleasure. A sheen of sweet growing on our bodies, glistening in soft light, as my body arched up into his, mindlessly seeking more, unable to get close enough. And never able to get enough of him.


I missed the soft, breathless way he moaned, feeling the play of muscles along his back, as he moved, his movements starting out slow and sure, until he lost himself in me. The jagged rhythm of out breath as we lay, limbs entangled.


I lay on the bed in the deepening twilight, simply staring up at the blank surface of the ceiling above me. I was startled into awareness at the sound of the door clicking shut. I sat straight up, my body tensed as I listened to the soft sound of movements. I leapt up, heading eagerly down the hall.


Dave stood there, so familiar it made me ache. His blond hair was haloed in the light, his blue eyes vivid and warm, sparkling at me.


I fell into his arms, my heart soaring as I finally heard the sound of his laughter again, feeling it rumble deep in his chest, the vibrations making my own chest tingle.


“Davie, you’ve been gone forever!” I burst out, my words muffled, as I pressed my face into the curve of his neck. I breathed in the delicious smell of his skin, unable to keep the smile from my face.


“It’s only been a week,’ he protested with a grin, pulling me closer still.


“Well it felt like forever.”


His hand smoothed back my hair, and I felt more than heard the soft noise he made.


“I know. It felt even longer for me.”


I pulled back just far enough so that my mouth could find its way to his, feeling the familiar fullness of his lips sliding over mine. I pressed into him, relishing the feel of his body against mine once more, not a breath of space between us now.


My body stirred, the way it did every time I felt his hands graze my skin, and as his arms wrapped around my body I could feel him hardening against me.


“Let’s go to bed,” I breathed.


Taking his hand in mine, I led him down the hall to our bedroom.


The End.
