Title: Right-Hand Man

Pairing: Craig/Craig’s hand (and sorta Craig/Karl)

Rating: R

Warning: masturbation!fic… not sure if that counts as a warning, just covering all the bases here.

Disclaimer: Tis all lies! Muahaha. But should something like this ever happen, all I ask is may I watch? *eg*

Dedication: For Kelly! It turned our much pervier than I thought it would! *giggles*



            The trailer seemed to fade away until all Craig saw were hazel eyes, narrowed in concentration. He stared at those eyes, until his own were burning, the image before him seared into his retinas. Craig could feel Karl’s hands on him; lightly calloused fingertips sending shivers skittering down the length of his spine where they pooled in his groin creating a heat that made it hard to catch his breath. Or maybe that was because of Karl.


            Karl was still in costume, long earthy blonde hair pulled back from his face now to reveal those eyes that had Craig frozen in his spot, gently curving cheekbones, full lips. Craig’s attention fixed on those lips now, the fuller bottom one he longed to catch between his teeth. He wrapped his fingers around the perfect curve of Karl’s neck, bringing the other man’s mouth to his own, scraping his teeth lightly over Karl’s bottom lip. Karl made a sound at that that could only be described as a growl and Craig felt a rush of blood flood to his groin, making his head swim.


Karl pressed harder into him, and Craig could feel the hard lines of the man’s armor and farther down, the answering press of his erection against Craig’s own. The contrasting sensation coupled with the low noise Karl had made had Craig wondering if he could even wait long enough for Karl to remove the requisite articles of clothing so he could feel the other man moving inside of him.


            A knock came at the door; the harsh sound startling Craig and making Karl pull back. Craig moved to grab onto him, but his fingers found no purchase on the contoured armor.


“It’ll just take a second,” Karl said, pressing another quick kiss to Craig’s lips.


“I don’t have a second,” Craig protested, but his words were lost in the sounds of the door opening. Bastard.


            Craig leaned back against the wall, trying to regain at least some control over his breathing. He could hear someone talking to Karl, and then the answering tones of Karl’s voice. He wasn’t even really listening to the words being exchanged until he caught the sound of Karl saying “I’ll be there in five.”


            The door clanked shut and Craig turned to look at Karl, who grabbed him and pressed one final kiss to his lips. “I’ve got to be back on set,” he explained softly, setting his forehead against Craig’s.


“Can’t you just put that off for a couple minutes?” Craig asked hopefully, knowing the answer before Karl replied.


“You know I can’t do that.”


“You could just tell them that I wouldn’t let you leave,” Craig replied with a grin.


“Yeah, I’m sure that’ll go over well. Sorry I’m late, I was just fucking Craig in my trailer and it seems time got away from me,” Karl said with a mock apologetic shrug.


“Works for me,” Craig returned with a shrug.


            Karl laughed and shook his head as he stepped back. Craig let his head fall back against the wall as the door clanging shut, the wind aiding the door so that the sound echoed through the confined space.


*   *   * 


            Craig opened his eyes, finding nothing but darkness meeting them at first. Shit, another of those dreams. That was the third dream he’d had of Karl this week alone. Craig sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair as the dream coalesced in his mind, each scene passing through in quick succession. Fuck, he couldn’t even get any action in his own dreams for Christ’s sake.


            It was all Karl’s fault really. Stupid Karl with his stupid hair that always fell in his eyes just so, making Craig’s pulse jump. And those damn eyes that would always fix so intently on Craig when they were talking, until he had to concentrate just to remember what it was that he meant to say. Karl’s mouth too, a lot of the blame fell on those lips, on those perfectly shaped lips that Craig could so easily imagine pressing against his own, catching the bottom one between his teeth as he had in his dream. Those lips pressing against his throat, moving farther down. Perfectly shaped lips wrapping around his cock- and no. No. Don’t even think about that, Parker, he chastised himself.


            He lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling which had begun to take on a vague shape now that his eyes had adjusted to the lack of light. He knew there was no way he would fall back asleep now. Craig shifted in bed, resting one hand under his head. He took a slow breath, trying to push any thoughts of Karl from his head. Don’t think about him. Or his stupid sexy voice that Craig couldn’t help imagining whispering rude things into his ear. His voice would be low and husky when he was aroused He would take his time, forming each word slowly, torturously slow, tasting them on his tongue before they slipped into Craig’s ear. Then the tip of his tongue would trace the whorl beneath his lips. Craig shifted uncomfortably. This plan really didn’t seemed to be very successful. 


He struggled to come up with some topic that he could think safely think about but everything seemed to lead right back to Karl. Baseball. Yeah think about bats and balls, and okay, that was no good either. Knitting. There couldn’t possibly anything Karl-related about knitting. Except that he probably had a grandmother who knitted. And she would make him sweaters, probably with just a hint of green to bring it out in those hazel eyes that always held a hint of green in their depths. Craig could so easily see how the material would conform over Karl’s broad shoulders. He imagined slipping his hands under the sweater, finding hot skin beneath his fingers.


Craig realized that it was hopeless. There was not a single thing he could think of that didn’t draw him back to Karl. To top it off, he could still feel the insistent heat pooled in his groin, lingering from his dream. Every time he shifted, the weight of the blankets would provide the slightest friction against hardened flesh. Not enough to be pleasurable, just a hint of something desired. Craig threw the blanket off, his heated skin feeling the lack of warmth immediately. Goosebumps crept across his skin even though he wasn’t cold.


            The sheets fell lightly over him now, and looking down, the curve of his erection seemed even more obvious. It seemed ridiculous for a grown man to be thinking about wanking over nothing more than a dream, he thought. Though to be fair, it had been a hot dream. He could still feel Karl’s mouth on his, Karl’s hands on his skin, the way his erection had pressed into Craig’s own.


An image flashed through his mind then. Karl, lying in bed much as Craig was now, his own hand wrapped around his cock. Long fingers stroking up the length of his erection, the flesh filling his hand just the right amount. The image made Craig’s mouth go dry and caused his temperature to jump. He had not thought it possible, but the thought made him harder still, a throbbing plea shouted from his groin with every beat of his heart.


It really was all Karl’s fault. If only he didn’t smile that way he did, lighting up his face. If only he wasn’t so damn sexy Craig could be sleeping right now, like a normal person. Instead he was laying here with a hard-on, thinking of some guy he’d not even had the balls to say any of this to.


His eyes falling shut, one hand moved slowly down his stomach. Craig wondered how it would feel if it were Karl’s fingers that were taking this same path instead of just his own. The palm of his hand skated over hardened flesh, the heat of each blending together and sending shivers skating down the length of his spine. His hips flexed automatically, pushing lightly into his hand, wanting more contact.


Craig raked his nails over the clothed erection then, the movement making his cock twitch beneath his fingertips. Finally relenting, he pulled his hand back and settled his thumbs inside the band of his boxer briefs. With careful motions he pushed them down over his hips, down his thighs, and then off altogether, dropping them to the floor with a flip of one foot. 


A thought flashed through his mind, making his pulse race and butterflies twirl through his stomach and before he could talk himself out of it, Craig reached for the phone on the bed stand beside him. He picked up the handset on the phone, not needing the light that glowed from the buttons to dial the number he knew by memory.


            The ringing on the other end sounded tiny and distant. Craig cradled the receiver between his ear and his neck as best he could, letting it rest on the pillow. He reached down with his right hand, curving it easily around his erection, feeling the heated flesh fill his hand.


            He could hear the fumble as the phone was picked up, and then as it collided with something hard. He heard the sound of Karl’s voice cussing softly at that.


“Hello?” His voice was hoarse, deeper than usual. Craig could tell that he had woken him up, loved the way his voice sounded then. His hand shifted then, stroking slowly up the length, Karl’s voice echoing in his ear as he stroked.


“’S me.” That was all he said, stroking down as he spoke.


“Craig? Shit, are you alright?” Karl was immediately more awake, his voice colored now with worry.


“I’m fine,” Craig said softly, his breath catching as he stroked one thumb over the head of his cock now, smoothing the bead of liquid there down the length. His breath stuttered as his hand slid down the length, his grip tightening around himself.


“Craig…it’s 2 AM. Why are you calling if-“


“Shh.” Craig silence Karl mid-sentence. His other hand slid down now too, cupped around the weight of his balls, fingers gently massaging. He exhaled, the sound verging on a low groan.


“Craig, are you…?” Karl’s voice trailed off, leaving his question hanging mid-air.




            The single word was little more than a slow exhale as Craig’s hand sped up, his hips lifting as he stroked, his head pressing into the pillow. He imagined for a moment, Karl’s hand wrapping around his cock, long fingers that would circle the engorged flesh the way Craig’s own were now, moving slowly up the length of Craig’s cock. He knew Karl would start out slow, would want to draw every breathless moan from Craig until he came. And then Karl would lift his hand, would watch Craig’s expression as he slowly licked the fluid from his fingers, tasting Craig mixed in with the salt of his own skin.


            Karl didn’t say anything. Craig didn’t expect him to, just stroked a little harder, a groan slipping past his lips. He could hear nothing in his ear now but the pace of Karl’s breath. Craig noticed that it wasn’t as even as it had been when he answered, not so naturally measured.




He wondered for a moment if Karl would catch the way his name spilled from Craig’s lips then, wondered if it sounded like nothing more than another moan to the other man.


Another low groan and this time he couldn’t tell if it was from himself or it came from the other end of the phone. He didn’t really care, his hand moving faster now, the friction of each movement sending a jolt through him.


Oh God


He’s so close now, each slide of his hand just not quite enough. His hips flex, pushing harder into his hand with every downward thrust, flesh rushing to meet his hand. Craig can’t quite catch his breath now, every muscle in his body tensed, the phone almost forgotten about; save for the sound of breathing that fills his head, pushes him over the edge.


            Craig arched off the bed when he came, Karl’s name spilling from his lips once more. This time it’s unmistakable, rough tones lingering over every letter with evident delight. He knew Karl could hear it clearly, the same as he could make out the jagged moan that fell from Craig’s lips as the thick, warm liquid spills across his fingers.


            It takes several moments for Craig to catch his breath, for his heart rate to slow once more. For a minute Craig thinks the rough breathing that still echoes is his own. He pauses for a moment, holding in his own breath, realizing the uneven sound is not coming from him. 


            He smiles into the phone, and says only, “I wish you were here.”


