Title: Sway

Author: Elandae

Pairing: Craig/Karl

Rating: PG

Warnings: Extreme sap, and I mean loads and buckets of it. All crammed into one little fic that’s about to burst at the seams with all that fluffiness

Disclaimer: Don’t know them, this is all lies.

Author’s Notes: The song is ‘Pease Forgive Me’ by Bryan Adams, which I have to say always makes me all squishy and melty inside.

Feedback: Love it!

Dedication: This is for the one and only Daea whom I love and adore! *mwah*



            The terrace was lit only by the moon and the few candles set in the middle of the tables. The flickering light highlighted the lines of Karl’s face, and music drifted softly out on air that smelled lightly of the wisteria vines that grew along the railings.


“I love this song,” Craig murmured, as he listened to the lyrics that could only be faintly heard out here.


Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me - this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
Please believe me - every word I say is true
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Karl got to his feet, holding his hand out to Craig.
“Dance with me,” he said, his words so soft that Craig would barely even hear them. 
He took Craig’s hand in his own; the familiar lines molding together easily and pulled him close against his own body. 
“Who leads?” Craig asked with a smile, looking into dark eyes, shadowed in the low light. 
Karl’s fingertips slid slowly along the line of Craig’s jaw, tilting his head up just the slightest bit before kissing him softly on the lips.
“It doesn’t matter.”
I remember the smell of your skin - I remember everything
I remember all your moves - I remember you yeah
I remember the nights - you know I still do
And it didn’t. It didn’t matter who lead, their bodies moved together naturally, a slow easy rhythm as the soft strains of music floated over and around them. 
Craig’s head rested against the solid warmth of Karl’s shoulder, his eyes slowly closing as he breathed in the light smell of Karl’s skin, feeling nothing but the steady rise and fall against him as Karl breathed.
He relaxed, the contours of his body flowing into Karl’s without him even being aware of it, every line and angle fitting securely together. 
Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
The song ended, the gentle flow fading gradually away, but neither man noticed. They continued, moving so slowly they were almost standing still. A light sea breeze drifted over them, tracing over heated skin. But they didn’t notice, they were too wrapped up in their own melody, in the tune of two hearts that beat softly, one echoing the other, in the matching pace of their breath. Too wrapped up in each other. 
Never leave me - I don't know what I'd do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Can't stop lovin' you
