Title: Viggo’s (Mis)Adventures in Non-Reading
Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)
Pairing: Vig/Dom
Rating: PG
Summary: Dom’s bored. Viggo’s…not.
Disclaimer: Don’t know them, make no claims. Just sad lil old me amusing myself here.
Dedication: For Cat! *mwah* Cause I missed her and also cause I made her make me. Yep.
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m knitting a scarf, what’s it look like?”
“Most people find it easier to read without someone else talking to them, you know.”
“You’re not most people, Vig.”
“Still reading.”
“You’re right next to me.”
“Dom, if you’re bored, go find something to do.”
“I’m not bored…”
“Then why are you sitting there staring at me?”
“I dunno….you don’t want me to?”
“Stare away. Just do it quietly.”
“Staring is a silent thing.”
“Not when you do it it seems.”
“I like talking to you.”
“Touching. Still reading….”
“Fine. Be that way.”
“I will.”
“Vig…you’re not supposed to really be like that.”
“What am I supposed to do then?”
“Something. Beg me not to be mad.”
“Are you mad?”
“I could be.”
“But are you?”
“Fine, please, Dom. Please forgive me for whatever grievous error I have made.”
“What does that mean?”
“I apologized.”
“I know. ‘S a good apology too, Vig.”
“Thanks….you’re supposed to forgive me now.”
“I guess…”
“What’s wrong now?”
“It’s something.”
“I guess…..what are you reading?”
“This mean you forgive me?”
“I wasn’t mad.”
“They say I’m weird.”
“Who’re you talking to?”
“That’s weirder than whatever it is I’m doing.”
“Remember what I said before?”
“You said lots of things.”
“About not being able to read when you talk.”
“I might remember that. What about it?”
“I still can’t read.”
“Cause I’m still talking.”
“You’re catching on.”
“Don’t be like that, Vig.”
“I am like that.”
“You get the cutest furrow right here when you make that face.”
“I wasn’t making a face.”
“You were.”
“I give up.”
“That’s sad.”
“You just gave up. I think it’s sad.”
“You get the cutest furrow just there when you’re sad.”
“Do I?”
“Right there.”
“Huh…bet that gives you wrinkles.”
“Well that just popped into my head.”
“Uh-huh. Still reading.”
“You haven’t turned a page in ages. Slow reader?”
“Mad again?”
“You’re still doing it.”
“Hmmm? Sorry I wasn’t paying attention. What’d you say?”
“For what?”
“Why do I put up with you?”
“Cause you love me.”
“Do I?”
“Uh-huh. Madly. Deperately even. I’m quite sure you’d simply pine away without me.”
“You don’t sound convinced.”
“I’m not.”
“Trust me. Isn’t this a trustworthy face? You adore me.”
“Convince me?”