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Mar.02/2005:    Added a new page to the Troy Slash section for my Troy Drabbles. Also added in a few new drabbles and generally got that whole section to match.


Feb.14/2005:    Not a whole lot new to add, but a new fandom in there! Yay! due South (and yes I know, I'm about a decade behind). There's a few snippets that will be going up there, and there's a longer story in the works now.


Sept. 29/2004:    Hello all! A new page being added in here, just keeping up to date with what has been added to the site. Today, I've finished revamping the site (hopefully the last look for a looong time). Plus, I stripped down all the linked pages with the actual fics, so now they actually all look the same, shocker of shockers!

I've added in some new fics, the next two chapters of Honor Bound (only one left now) and six new Troy fics...many of which (actually almost all of which) were written some time ago (and three of which are drabbles). I think that about covers it.