Title: Dessert’s On You
Author: Elandae (j_3101@yahoo.ca)
Pairing: Karl Urban/Craig Parker
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Craig makes dinner, but it doesn’t get really interesting until dessert. Chocolate
 mousse was licked off of someone, and well, I’ll leave the rest for you to find out. 
Warning: Um, graphic male/male sex. Some swearing. They made me do it. 
Feedback: As always, most welcome. 
Author’s Notes: Again dedicated to Daea, cause she wanted some Karl/Craig (consider it
 returning the favor! *quacks*)
Disclaimer: I make no claims to the actor’s actual lives or anything of the sort. Call it what 
you want, but the only place it’s real in my mind. And believe me; you don’t want to trust 
anything that goes on in there! Lol
               Craig felt how flushed his cheeks were from the heat rising off the stove. He had 
been cooking for most of the afternoon, preparing Karl’s favorite meal. He leaned down 
and peered anxiously through the glass door on the oven. The foccacia was almost done,
 a couple more minutes and it would be perfect. A soft smile lit up his face as he imagined 
how pleased Karl would be when he saw the meal; he always was when Craig made him 
special dinners for him. Craig thought with a little chuckle that perhaps that way to a 
man’s heart *really* was through his stomach, it sure seemed to have worked with Karl.  
	Mentally he thanked his grandmother for all those cooking lessons he had been 
forced to endure when he was growing up. Who knew that not only would he grow to 
like it, but that it would have such pleasurable results?  The timer dinged loudly, and 
Craig donned a set of oven mitts, thankful that Karl wasn’t in the kitchen. Regardless of 
how much he liked the end product, Karl seemed incapable of resisting the urge to tease 
his lover. 
               Craig pulled the bread out of the oven, stepping back at the wave of intense heat 
wafting from the open oven door. He set the bread on the cooling rack he’d put out on the
counter earlier. Pushing the oven door closed with his hip, he slid the oven mitts off, and 
checked on the dessert.  
               The chocolate mousse was sitting in the fridge, and had finally set perfectly. 
Every time he made it, Craig couldn’t help but worry that it wouldn’t set, but it was Karl’s 
favorite and he was glad that it had come out so well. Plus he admitted to himself, he 
loved to watch Karl eat it. The look of absolute bliss that crossed his face with the first 
bite never failed to make Craig’s pants suddenly tighter. Hell, watching the man eat it was 
practically an orgasmic experience. The front door slammed suddenly, jerking Craig into 
awareness. He realized that he was standing in front of the open fridge door staring off 
into space.  
“Honey, I’m home!” Karl called, making Craig roll his eyes, though he smiled indulgently. 
That his lover never failed to find this amusing, always made him laugh, if not the actual 
“Mmm, something smells fabulous in here,” Karl said entering the kitchen. 
“Aw, you’re making me blush,” Craig said with a cocky grin, as Karl came up behind him 
and wrapped his arms around the slighter man.  
               Craig could feel a warm rumble in Karl’s chest as he laughed, and he leaned back
 into the solid warmth. Karl pressed a firm kiss at the nape of Craig’s neck, eliciting a soft 
“I love it when you’re all domestic,” Karl said with a smile, knowing how Craig hated it 
when he called him that. He didn’t even have to look at Craig’s face to see him wrinkle his 
nose in distaste.  
“Domestic?” Craig scoffed, elbowing Karl in the ribs, hard enough to hurt, but only barely.
“You make me sound like a woman,” Craig said, somehow making the term woman sound
 like a huge insult to his honor, though Karl knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t 
really angry.  
“Oooh, did I make my woman angry,” Karl teased, mocking the injured tone of his lover’s 
voice, moving quickly aside to avoid another jab in the chest.  “I gots me a feisty one, too.”
 He added, feeling the tension in Craig’s shoulders as he attempted to restrain his laughter. 
“Why do *I* have to be the woman?” Craig asked, pouting in a most endearing way.  
Karl smiled at his lover, flashing his dimples, “well, because I’m bigger and I say so,” he 
replied. “Plus,” he added before Craig had a chance to protest. “You’re prettier.” 
Craig let a little giggle then, which made Karl laugh at the oddness of that sound coming 
from a grown man. 
“And because of that,” He added. “Men don’t giggle.” 
               Craig laughed again, this time in an unnaturally deep way, which sounded even 
stranger. “How was that?” he asked turning to look into Karl’s mesmerizing hazel eyes. 
“Not much better, I’m afraid,” Karl stated. “Do I have time to take a quick shower before 
dinner? I smell like a stable,” Karl said ruefully, as he had been out horseback riding for 
most of the afternoon.  
“Actually, everything is ready now. You can always shower after dinner. Besides,” Craig 
said leaning back into his lover, “I think you smell good.” 
“Didn’t know horses were your thing,” Karl said, raising one eyebrow appraisingly.  
‘They’re really not,” Craig admitted, “But somehow that smell on you is incredibly 
arousing. You smell all rugged, and… manly.” 
“Hmm, I guess I’ll have to go riding more often,” Karl said, nibbling gently on Craig’s neck.
“You said dinner was ready? I’m starving!” he exclaimed.  
               Craig smiled to himself as he served up dinner; there was almost nothing that 
could distract Karl from eating, especially after he had been out riding. It was rather 
endearing, really.  
               They sat down to eat, Karl digging eagerly into his food, Craig eating more slowly,
 just watching Karl enjoy his meal. For some reason Craig found Watching the muscles 
in Karl’s jaw infinitely more fascinating than the meal in front of him. But then again, he 
always liked watching Karl when anything Involving muscles was going on, he thought 
with a smile, which meant that he spent a *lot* of time watching Karl.   
               Karl glanced up at that moment, and noticed that Craig was watching him with a 
smile on his face, his blue eyes dancing.  
“What?” Karl asked suspiciously, not trusting the look on his lover’s face. 
“Nothing, I just like watching you eat,” Craig replied.
               Karl laughed, “Well I am certainly learning a lot about you tonight. You like the 
smell of horses on me, you like watching me eat. Any other strange things I should know
“No, I think that’s about it,” Craig said, smiling in a way that he knew always made Karl 
forget what he was about to say. “Finish your dinner,” he instructed.
Karl laughed again, but did as he was told.  
* * * * * 
Craig put the last dish into the sink. 
“Very good meal, Mr. Parker,” Karl said coming up behind him and adding his plate to the 
pile in the sink.  
“Mr. Parker?” Craig asked, “Hmm, I like that.  It’s kinda naughty,” he added with a 
“You do, do you?” Karl asked, nuzzling his neck. He pressed forward into Craig, one arm
on either side of his body, making escape impossible, though that was the last thing on 
Craig’s mind at the moment.  
Craig breathed in the musky scent of Karl’s skin, and he could feel his cock stir in 
response. For some reason this smell of horses on this man was suddenly wildly 
“So, what’s for dessert?” Karl asked, and Craig could feel his breath, soft and warm 
against his skin, sending shivers through his body that headed directly to his groin.  
“I made—ah,” Craig started, his sentence getting cut off by a yelp, as Karl softly raked his 
teeth over the pulse point in his neck. “Chocolate mousse,” he finished breathlessly.  
“Mmm, my favorite” Karl said, and Craig felt the vibration of his voice more than actually 
heard the words. Karl’s mouth was moving quickly up his neck and sliding softly along 
his jaw. Craig licked his lips in anticipation.  
               Karl kissed him softly, slowly, sensuously. Just the way that he knew Craig liked 
to be kissed.  Craig responded immediately, his body melting effortlessly into Karl’s. He
could feel the strong beat of Karl’s heart against his own racing pulse. Karl moved his 
arms, wrapping them firmly around Craig’s slimmer body, pulling him closer as he 
deepened the kiss, his tongue trailing over Craig’s soft lips, playing against Craig’s willing
 tongue.   Craig moaned softly when Karl pulled away. Karl pushed him gently towards the
 table, and told him to sit down. 
“I’ll get the dessert,” he said smiling softly, his lips slightly swollen. It took a moment for 
what he was saying to pierce through the fog that had  appeared in Craig’s brain. He 
moved towards the table and dropped into the nearest chair, scarcely aware of what he 
was doing, his eyes fixed firmly on Karl.  
	Karl brought the two dishes to the table, and set them in front of Craig. He noticed
 a bottle of lube sitting in an open drawer and grabbed it. They had taken to leaving them 
around the house, for moments just like this. Somehow they always seemed to end up 
making love in the oddest places.  He reached down and pulled Craig to his feet, holding 
him tightly against his chest.  
“You didn’t bring any spoons,” Craig said, as he trailed a finger along Karl’s forearm. 
“I know.”’ This was said softly, with a suggestive smile, as Karl skimmed the back of his 
fingers lightly along Craig’s jaw, making his lover shiver in his arms. 
               Karl pulled back, just far enough so him could pull Craig’s shirt over his head and
threw it on the floor. He stepped forward, pushing his lover back, until Craig felt the edge 
of the table pressing as firmly into the backs of his legs as Karl was in the front.  
“Sit down,” Karl ordered softly. 
“On the table?” Craig asked, realizing after it was out that there really wasn’t anywhere 
else to sit other than the table, considering the way Karl had him pressed so firmly against
 it. Obligingly he hopped up, settling himself on the hard surface.  
               Karl dipped his finer into the nearest dish, looked right into Craig’s eyes as he slid
 his finger into his mouth, slowly licking off the mousse. Sliding his finger slowly in and 
out of his mouth.  
Craig dipped a finger into the mousse as well, and held it up to Karl’s mouth, closing his 
eyes against the feeling of Karl’s hot wet mouth caressing his finger, his tongue gliding 
smoothly up and down, making Craig eagerly imagine that mouth doing something 
similar on other parts of his body.   He opened his eyes in shock when he felt the icy 
coolness of the confection against his warm skin as Karl traced a picture on his chest 
with his finger. Craig smiled as realized that it was a ‘K’. Karl dipped his finger in once 
again, and trailed his fingers over Craig’s nipples.  
               Karl bent down and ran his tongue first over one of Craig’s hardened nipples, 
swirling his tongue around, licking the chocolate mousse off of Craig’s skin. The 
combination of a very cold dessert and a very warm tongue had Craig moaning.  His skin 
felt overly sensitized, each caress from Karl sending shivers down his body, and fire
through his veins. Karl moved over and proceeded to do the same to Craig’s other nipple,
 rolling it gently between his teeth making his lover gasp.  Craig twined his fingers 
through Karl’s dark hair, urging him on wordlessly.  
               Karl’s mouth began sliding downward, his tongue gliding over Craig’s chest, 
feeling his cock  swell painfully in the confines of his pants at the combined taste of 
chocolate and Craig’s skin.  
               Karl pulled back, his hands fumbling at the buttons on his shirt, eager to finally 
rid himself of it.  Craig watched intently, his eyes burning with passion, as Karl undid the 
last button and slid the shirt off his broad shoulders.  
               He quickly undid the top button on his jeans, easing the zipper down over his 
painfully hard erection, aware all the time of the burning heat in Craig’s gaze. Craig’s 
breath caught in his throat as he became aware that Karl was not wearing anything 
               As Karl’s erection sprang free from his pants, he breathed a sigh of relief, and 
quickly stepped out of them. Craig pulled Karl to him, his mouth urgently seeking Karl’s,
the kiss no longer soft and sweet, but hot and hard and urgent. Karl’s mouth tasted 
sweetly of chocolate.  Craig moaned into Karl’s mouth as he stroked the very pronounced
 bulge in Craig’s pants, over the material. His hips pressed up, pushing himself into Karl, 
unbearably eager to feel his lover hands, his mouth directly on bare skin. 
	 Karl splayed his strong fingers on Craig’s bare chest, feeling the firmness of the 
muscles, and pushed Craig down until he was lying across the table. His hands moved 
assuredly to the waistband of Craig’s pants, and he leaned down and pulled the button 
open with his teeth, grinning playfully at Craig. He slid the zipper down slowly, and Craig 
arched his hips off the table so Karl could pull the jeans down over, and throw them on 
the floor, joining the rest of their abandoned clothing.  Karl leaned forward, seeking the 
heat his lover’s mouth again. It was his turn to moan, as he felt his bare chest pressed 
against Craig’s, felt their erections rubbing together, creating a deliciously hot friction 
between them.  
               Karl's hand slid between their bodies, and wrapped itself firmly around Craig’s 
throbbing erection. Craig gasped as Karl began to stroke him, slowly sliding up and down
 the shaft. Karl pulled back, and used his free hand to dip once again into the mousse. 
 Craig whimpered at sudden icy touch against his overheated skin. Karl traced up
 the length of his erection, smoothing his fingertip over the head of Craig’s cock, mixing 
chocolate with pre-cum.  
               Karl’s tongue trailed slowly up the path his fingers had taken, drinking in the taste
 of his lover, the smell of his skin. Craig’s hips arched up off the table, as Karl swirled his 
tongue wetly around the head.  
               He suckled Craig gently for a few moments, before relaxing his throat and letting 
Craig’s aching erection slide smoothly in. Craig cried out at the sudden feeling of the hot 
warmth surrounding his cock, the silky glide of Karl’s mouth moving up and down his 
shaft. He could barely restrain himself from thrusting upwards, it felt so fucking good.  
               Karl’s hands slid over his thighs, gently caressing the sacs beneath his shaft, and
 then the smooth skin just behind them. Craig let out a strangled cry at the dual assault. 
The fact that Karl had a mouth like a Hoover registered vaguely in the back of Craig’s 
hazy mind, but was quickly driven away as Karl’s finger slid farther down to trace over his
opening. Karl suckled harder, hearing Craig’s breathless moan.  
               Gently, Karl slid his finger inside Craig, exploring until his finger brushed against 
a certain spot that made Craig cry out and push down on Karl’s hand. He increased the
pace on Craig’s cock, feeling the tension in his lover’s body, feeling how close he was. A 
few more strokes and Craig’s body jerked convulsively, as he came hotly down Karl’s 
               Karl smiled at his lover, hearing his cries still echoing softly in the kitchen. He 
moved up and captured Craig’s mouth in a kiss. Craig could taste himself on Karl, and 
found this incredibly arousing. Craig reached out for the lube, pouring a generous 
amount into his hands. He rubbed them together, warming it up before he generously 
coated Karl’s throbbing cock. Karl bit his lip as Craig’s hands caressed his slick length.  
“I need you inside me,” Craig said breathlessly, and Karl moaned. 
               With one hot slick thrust he was inside of Craig, so fucking hot and tight around 
him. Karl held still for a moment, not wanting to hurt his lover, but when Craig wrapped 
his legs around Karl’s waist, and began gently rotating his hips, Karl could not wait any 
longer and pushed his hips forward, sliding deeper.  
               He pulled out until just the head of his cock was buried in his lover’s body, before 
thrusting deep again, savoring the hot grip of his lover’s body. He could feel Craig getting
hard again, and Karl wrapped his hand around the shaft, urgently matching the rhythm of
his strokes.  Karl groaned, thrusting harder, feeling sweat bead on his back. His fist 
pumped hotly on Craig’s cock. Karl felt Craig’s body tense as he came again, spurting 
onto his stomach. 
“Fuck yes….oh, God!” Craig screamed. 
               Karl’s breath caught as he felt his lover tighten around him, he was so close, so 
fucking close. He thrust once more, deep, his head thrown back, a wordless cry ripped 
from his throat as he came inside of Craig. His muscles tensed as the last vestiges of the 
orgasm ripped through his body. He pulled out and sagged forward, replete, onto his 
lover. He could feel Craig’s chest rising as he breathed heavily.  
               He rolled off of Craig, when his breathing had finally slowed, and pulled his lover’s
 sated body closer,  feeling the stickiness between them. 
“I can’t remember the last time I came so hard,”  Craig said lazily, his voice breaking into
 the silence. 
Karl smiled into warm blue eyes and said, “Hey, after that dinner, I owed you one.” 
Craig snuggled closer and murmured, “Aw, it was actually fun” 
“The dinner or the sex?” Karl questioned with a chuckle.  
“The dinner,” Craig said with a laugh. ‘’Dessert' was something else. I think I’m gonna 
have to make chocolate mousse more often!” 
“Did I ever tell you that it’s my favorite?” 
“‘The dinner or the sex?’ Craig asked with a laugh, mirroring Karl’s words. 
The End
