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Chapter 5: The Call

Brittany ran up to her room and shut the door. She looked at her watch. Geez it was 6:00 already. She thought about how cute Tay had looked. I have the best luck in the world she thought to herself. She layed back on her bed and had a little daydream about Taylor.

"Wanna go to the beach?" Tay asked smiling at Brittany.
"Sure!"she replied smiling back,"let me go change!"They walked in the living room and he sat down while she went to change.

Brittany ran upstairs and got her silver bathing suit she'sd never wore and put it on. She slipped her black and white adidas sandals on then went downstairs with her bag of beach stuff.
Taylor stood up when she walked in."You look really good" he told her.
"Thanks!"she replied blushing.
You look so good i could..."he started.
"What?"she asked softly.
"Kiss you,"he finished putting his arms around her and tilting her chin up and......RING!

Brittany jumped up and looked around. She realized it was just the phone and giggled. What a corny dream she thought to herself.
"Brit!"her mom yelled,"phone!"
Oh my God! It must be Taylor she thought excitedly. She picked up her phone and pressed talk. "I got it mom,"she said into the phone.
"O.k hun. Bye Hope. Send your mom and dad my love,"Anne said into the phone.

Dang it Brittany thought frowning.
"Ok Aunt Anne! Bye!"Hope answered. Brit smiled. It was good to hear Hope's voice.
"Hey Hope!"Brittany greeted her cheerfully.
"Hey Brits! Everybody missed you already,"she told her sadly. Brit swallowed hard.
"I miss you guys too,"she said really quietly.
"Well anyway!"Hope said forcing a cheerful note in her voice,"How do you like your new house?"
"Oh i love it! It's gorgeous!"she told her excitedly. She described it to her in detail.
"So. Guess who likes you,"she told Hope casually. Hope giggled. "Isaac Hanson,right?"she asked giggling.They used to do that all the time.
"Actually yes,"Brittany told her. Hope laughed.
"No seriously. Your not gonna believe me but they live next door,"Brittany told Hope.
"Sure Brit. I really believe you. I really do,"she said sarcastically.
"They do!"she told her loudly.
"Sure. Uh huh."
"Ohhhhh! I knew you wouldn't believe me!"she pouted.
"Your so dumb."
"They do!"
"Are you on drugs?"

Brittany walked over to the window and looked out. Zac was outside and waved. She had an idea. She motioned for him to come over to the window. She leaned out the window.
"Bring Isaac and Taylor over!"she yelled down at him. He gave her a funny look but just shrugged his shoulders. "Well ok,"he replied running towards his back door.
"Your taking this stupid joke waaayy too far!"Hope snapped at her.
"It's not a joke and i plan to prove it!"she basically yelled at her. Hope didn't say anything. Brittany saw them come outside and ran downstairs. She got to her front door at the same time they did.
"Hey Brit! Ya need us?"Tay asked.

On the other end Hope was wondering who the hell these guys were. Was it really..........of course it wasn't! How dumb!
"Actually i do,"Brit told them,"I'm talking to my cousin Hope and she doesn't believe you guys live next door!"
Isaac took the phone. "Hi this is Isaac Hanson and we really live next door. Zac spilled a Dr.Pepper on on Brit today."Ike said into the phone.
"It was Tay's fault!"she heard an indignant voice yell.
"Was not!" Then she heard something break. "Oops,"she heard the first voice say, "sorry."
"Uh huh. And I'm Drew Barrymore. Wasn't i great in Scream?"Hope asked sarcastically.
"Actually I love that movie but your not her, i saw you today. Your pretty cute though,"he told her smiling.
"All of you are so dumb! It's ridiculous to take this stupid joke so far!"she fussed.
"Well fine we'll prove it then,"he told her. He handed the phone to Brittany.
"K. Let's sing the chorus of MMMBop for this girl!"he commanded. They all huddled around the phone and snapped their fingers 3 times then started singing. "Mmm bop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba duba dop, ba duba dop Ba du Mmmbop, ba duba dop Ba du dop, Ba du bop, Ba du dop Ba du bop, Ba du dop Ba du"they all sang.

Hope sat there stunned. It was really them. Hanson lived next door to her cousin. She knew where she was spending her summer! Brittany picked up the phone.
"Believe me now?"she asked Hope.
"Yeah!"Hope squeaked.
"Can i talk to her?"Isaac asked hopefully.
"Sure,"Brittany replied,"Isaac wants to talk to you now."
"Oh. O-o-o-k,"Hope replied in a shaky voice. She was so nervous! Brittany handed the phone to Ike.
"So hey. What cha up to sexy?"he asked playfully.
She blushed and was really glad he couldn't see her. "Uh well um nothing,"she replied. He laughed. What a cutie he thought to himself.
"So when are yu gonna come visit?"he asked.
"Tomorrow!"she answered then smacked herself for that one. "Uh well what I meant was I really miss Brittany so as soon as possible,"she amended quickly.
"Oh well i wish you were coming tomorrow,"he told her truthfully.
"Me too! 'Cos of Brits ya know,"she told him.
"Uh huh. So i saw you today,"he told her.
"I see you all the time! I have a bunch of posters of you. 'Cos i get magazines with you guys in them i mean,"she said.
"Uh huh. Just admit you like me,"he encouraged.
"Ok! I do! Alot!"she admitted. He knew anyway right?
"Good b/c i like you alot too. You look good in a 2 piece! Short chiks have nothing on tall ones!"he told her seriously. Brittany smacked him. "Hey! I'm not real tall!"she told him frowning.
"Oh well hehehe," he replied.
"I like short girls,"Tay told her blushing.
"Well i like blond guys,"she told him.
"I knew it!"Zac shouted jumping in her lap. They all laughed. Zac was a little cutie. When Ike and Hope got off the phone she'd have to call Jen.

After about 15 more minutes Ike handed the phone to her to tell Hope bye.
"Hello?"Brittany said into the phone.
"Hi. I just wanted to tell you bye and ask if I can come visit you?"Hope asked getting right to the point. Brittany laughed. "Sure we'll make plans later,"she promised.
"O.Kay! Great! Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Shawn said to tell you he loves you and he wants to try to makes things work out between the 2 of you,"Hope told her excitedly.
"Oh.Brittany said at a loss for words. She licked her lips nervously. "Well tell him to call me and we'll talk. And i love him too." Tay looked at her curiously but she just gave him a little smile.
"Ok! Love ya Brits! Bye bye!"Hope chirped on the other end.
"K Hopers. C-ya. Bye."She hung up the phone. Tay was looking at her funny."Who were you talking about?"he asked.
"Ummm well my ex- well i dunno my boyfriend i guess. I thought we broke up when I left but i guess not 'cos he said he loved me..."she trailed off.
"Oh well I have to go now,"he told them getting up,"later." he said walking out.
"What's his problem?"Zac asked staring after him.
"I dunno,"she mumbled. He couldn't be jealous could he? That was so dumb to even think. Like Taylor Hanson would ever be jealous of her. The phone rang. She grabbed the phone.

"Hello?"she answered hoping it was Shawn.
"Brits! Hey! Awww! I miss you!! Come home!"Jen whined into the phone.
"Hey Jen,"she saod giggling. ZAc perked up and came over to where she was.
"Jen, Zac Hanson wants to talk to you,"she told her.
"I know he does! He loves me,"Jen replied laughing.
"No seriously. He's in my room,"she told her in her most serious voice.
"Oh shut up. I'm calling long distance don't be dumb the whole time!"Jen snapped.

Brittany sighed. "Here we go around again,"she sang then handed the phone to Zac.

Chapter 6
