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Chapter 6: The Cookout

Brittany starred out her window absently biting her fingernails. She glanced over at Zac as he laughed loudly at something Jen must have said. She went back to staring outside. She was looking at the Hanson's treehouse. Taylor had climbed in there about 45 minutes ago.

She couldn't stop thinking about the way he had acted when she had told them about Shawn. Hmmmm she thought biting her bottom lip. Maybe hewas jealous. But she doubted that one. To make things worse she didn't know what to think about Shawn.
"Incoming!"Zac yelled tackling her. She hit her head on the floor. She sat up slowly, rubbing her head.
"Sorry,"he said sheepishly. Why was that all she ever heard him say? He was a cutie but also a walking disaster!
" 'S o.k"she replied as he handed her the phone.
"I'm coming to stay with you! O.k? "Cos mom said i can already,"Jennifer told her.
"Hopes coming too,"she mentioned
"That's kewl! It'll be a big triple date!"Jen said in her usual optimistic voice.
"If Zac doesn't kill me,"she muttered under her breath.
"Nothing. I'll call you tomorrow about coming,"she told her.
"Oh. O.k. Talk to you then!"
"K. Bye,"she said hanging up.
"Well i guess I'll go now,"Zac said standing up.
"O.kay Zacs. See ya tomorrow,"she told him grateful that he was leaving. She just wanted to go to bed.

She walked him out then went back upstairs to brush her teeth and put her pajamas on.

She turned off her light and drifted off to sleep thinking of her and Shawn together but his hair was blond instead of brown.....Ring!

Brittany woke up slowly. She looked around for a minute confused about where she was. She groaned and rolled over when she remembered.
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!"she yelled.
"Sleepyhead!"her mom exclaimed.
"What time is it?"she asked.
"10:30. I got up at 8:00,"she replied.
"Well. What did you want?"Brittany asked pointedly. Anne gave her a look. Brittany stared innocently back.

"Diana Hanson has invited Sandy, Steve, and the 2 of us to a cook out at Plum Lake,"she answered,"I said we'd be glad to go and that we'd be ready by 12:00 so get up and get dressed."

"Alright,"she muttered rolling out of bed. She walked in her bathroom and shut the door with a bang, leaving Anne to stare after her.

Hmmm, Anne thought putting her hands on her hips, You'd think she'd be glad to spend the day with those Hanson boys! She shook her head and walked off mumbling that nothing she did ever pleased Brittany.

"How's it gonna be when your not around!"Brittany sang loudly.
"How's it gonna be when you turn that down?!"Anne shouted from downstairs.
Brittany sighed loudly but turned it down.She put her brown corduroy shorts on then started looking for a shirt. She dug through her closet for a while then came out triumphantly with a white, sleeveless shirt. She put on her black, white and green Adidas on then started on curling her hair and doing her makeup.
30 mintues later she was ready to go.
She walked downstairs and told Anne she was ready to go.
"Finally,"Anne commented as she locked the door. Brittany just rolled her eyes.

They knocked on the front door of Walker and Diana Hanson's House. Diana came to the door and invited them inside
"It'll be about 15 more minutes. Taylor is getting ready and he takes forever,"Diana told them.
Anne smiled. "So does this one,"she replied pointing to Brit. Mac ran into the room and tugged on the bottom of Anne's shorts.
"Hello. I'm Mackenzie Hanson. Who are you?"he asked curiously.
Anne smiled and bent down to tell him who she was. About that time Isaac and Zac came running at her.
"I talked to-"they both started in unison. Zac gave Ike a nasty look.
"Jennifer,"Zac finished at the same time Ike said Hope.
"Oh,"she replied laughing at their enthusiasm.
"C'mon let's go up to our room,"Ike suggested. So the 3 of them went upstairs to Ike, Tay and Zac's room.

When they walked in Taylor was trying to get all of his hair back in a rubber band. He glanced over at her.
"Hey,"he greeted then went back to struggling with his hair.

Isaac and Zac started playing Nintendo 64 so she sat down on the bottom bunk bed and watched Tay mess with his hair.

She watched as he put it up and took it down over and over again.

After he took it down for about the 15th time she grabbed the brush and rubber band from him.
"Sit,"she commanded pointing to a black chair. He dropped into it obediently.

She brushed his hair for a few minutes then put it back. She glanced down and saw he had his eyes closed and a dazed smile on his face. She smiled 'cos she got like that when anybody brushed her hair too.
"There ya go. It looks great,"she told him smiling.
"Thanks,"he replied smiling back.
"No problem."
"Ahhhhhh! No fair!!!,"Zac yelled. Isaac was laughing.
"Lose again?"Taylor asked.
"Yeah,"Zac replied pouting.
"Taylor hurry!"Diana shouted from downstairs.
"I'm ready!"he called back.
"Then come on!" He made a face at the floor.
"Well let's go,"Tay told the others.They all got up and walked downstairs. When they got to the bottm of the stairs Tay in the lead stopped suddenly. Zac ran into Brittany and she reached back and smacked him instinctivly.
"Hey!"he yelled indignantly. She giggled. "Oops. Sorry,"she apologized.
"No prob. What was up with stopping like that Tay?"Zac asked.
"Look!"he replied pointing at the living room. They all looked. Sitting around the room were soccer balls, basketballs, baseballs, volleyballs, baseball bats, frisbes, toys, cokes, bowls of food, bottles of suntan lotion and towels.
"What is all this stuff?"Taylor asked Diana.
"Stuff for today Taylor! We're gonna be there all day,"she replied.
"Oh. Well ok then. What are the towels for?"
"In case anybody wants to go swimming,"she replied,"the 3 of you go take this stuff to the car."
"You help too, Brittany,"Anne piped up. They all gave their mom's looks but bent down and grabbed some stuff. Brittany walked out beside Taylor. Zac was running behind Isaac trying to trip him and Isaac was yelling for him to stop.
"So is this gonna completly suck?"Brittany asked Taylor.
"No not really. You can come rollerblade with us if you want. Our cousin Kristin will be there. She's about your age i think. I dunno. You could hang with her i guess,"he answered.
"Oh. Well ok. I don't know how to rollerblade. I can skate ok though,"she told him.
He gave her a look out the corner of his eye. "Blading is alot better than skating. We'll teach you how. Do those other 2 chicks know how?"he questioned as he put some basketballs and stuff in the back of their van then took her stuff and put it back there.
She thought for a minute."Nope!"she replied after a minute or 2.
"Well when they get here we'll teach all 3 of you. Blading is too kewl!"he told her. She smiled brightly at him. "Ok! It'll be so fun!"she enthused. He smiled at her. "Yeah." He looked like he was gonna say something when all of the sudden he yelled and dove at her knocking them both on the ground. What the hell she thought to herself.

She looked up at him 'cos he was on top of her. He quickly got up and got her hand and pulled her up too.
"Are you ok?"he asked.
"Yeah i guess,"she answered as Zac came running over.
"I'm soooo sorry Brittany!"Zac panted,"I thought Ike was gonna catch it! I swear!"
She smiled. "I believe you but what did you throw?"she asked.
"He almost hit you in the head with a football!"Taylor broke in suddenly. He turned towards Zac. "You've got to act your age Zac! Your gonna kill Brittany! The day we met her you spilled a Dr.Pepper on her, fell on her, then made her hit her head on the floor. Not to mention you broke something in her room!"Taylor fussed angrily. Zac looked stunned.
"Well sorry!"he yelled stomping off,"she's not saying anything but YOU just have to."he muttered as he walked off. Taylor looked kinda funny and Brittany could tell he felt bad. He looked at her.
"Well he could have hurt you bad,"he told her. She smiled at him.
"Well thanx for taking up for me but i don't think he ever means to do anything. He's like a cute, hyper little puppy,"she told him. She looked thoughtful for a minute. "A cute, hyper, potentially dangerous puppy,"she amended.
Tay and Ike both laughed.
"Yeah that's about it!"Ike agreed. Taylor nodded.

Zac came stomping up to them with a bag of baseballs and bats.
"Excuse me master Taylor but i need to get to the back of the van and your in my way,"he snapped. Taylor moved over. "Look Zac I'm sorry for yelling at you,"he apologized. Zac glared at him.
"It's ok Tay. When your childish and immature like me you expect these things,"he replied sarcastically. Taylor sighed.
"I said i was sorry Zac. I'm not gonna beg for your forgivness but you did almost hit her,"Taylor told him seriously.
Zac looked thoughtful for a minute. "Yeah your right,"he finally replied, "sorry Britt and i forgive you Tay."
"Apology accepted!"Brit told him. A minute or 2 later all the adults and kids came out and started piling in their cars to go to the lake. Brittany got in the car and put in her Savage Garden c.d and listened to Truly, madly deeply. Her and her mom drove behind the Hanson's and her aunt and uncle were behind them. Zac was making faces at her from the back of the van and she giggled at him. Him and Isaac started arguing a minute later and Mrs. Hanson made Zac go up front. Brittany smiled to herself. He was too funny.

She remebered something about their cousin Kristin being there. She hoped she was kewl so they could hang out. She layed her head back and decided to nap until they got there.

Chapter 7
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