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Barry's Alien Solution

Get that pointer off my face!

Here is the ever popular, well described "Grey".  Believers presume this to be an extraterrestrial being.  If I were a believer, I would think otherwise.

I remember a few years ago, some old senator who knew more about a government cover-up than he was saying, slipped his tongue and said, "these beings that are visiting us come from a closer world than you think.  Their home is just a stonesthrow away."  I can't recall who said that, but it made quite an impression on me.

Here is what I think.   If all the encounters and abductions are true, who says these "greys" or "greens" or whatever,  have to be from another planet or galaxy?  Huh?  I mean, really!  How do we know that we have identified every race and species on earth?  If these creatures are as advanced, intelligent and powerful as victims and experts claim, why do they have to be from somewhere else to be as elusive and mysterious as they are?

It is well reported that UFO's have been seen moving about underwater, and even entering and exiting bodies of water.  Could these beings be another race from Earth?   Might they actually live somewhere within the earth in cities that cannot be accessed by the rest of us (primitive races)?  Yes, that has to be the answer.   Just think; the frog community as a whole, rarely sees a human.  So when an occasional frog has a close encounter with a human, and he goes and tells the other frogs, I'm sure they have a hard time believing him.  And the "abducted" frog, who sometimes gets over-examined by a human kid, must surely think these powerful "beings" must come from another world. 

What about these "space ships" they travel around in?  They are for moving about the Earth and more important, they contain their powerful inventions that enable them to transcend walls and spaces.  Can they travel to other planets?   Maybe, but why would they want to?  Earth may well be the only place in the universe with life (I will not attempt to explain that here). 
