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As a young actress myself, I know how hard it is to find monologues for auditions. So, I decided to copy a few monologues down on my webpage for anyone to use. I'll add more when ever I can

This is a monologue that Helena does from A Midsummer Night's Dream

This is a monologue that is about a doll who has been neglected by her owner Sally

This is a monologue said by Will Hunting from the movie Good Will Hunting

This is a monologue said by Rose in the beginning of Titanic

This is a monologue said by Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream

This is a monologue said by Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet

This is a monologue said my Sleeping Beauty. It's a different way to look at her life.

This is a monologue about "Who are you calling pigtails?"

This is a monologue about weird stuff in people's trash

This is a monologue from The Truman Show

This is a monologue about why Ellie likes the stars, from Contact

This is a monologue said by Cher from Clueless