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   It was a 'congratulations on your first day' dinner, and Summer was making the most of it considering her migraine was now a dull ache in the back of her head.
   "She's doing great!" Zac praised loudly to his parents. "There's this girl in there, Becky, she's eight and she absolutely loves the class." He smiled broadly looking over at Summer and Lex talking with Taylor, Jessica, and Avery. "She's in my class after Summer's and she couldn't stop smiling!"
   Summer flushed and turned her attention back to the pulling on her shirtsleeve. "Can we come too to your class?" Jessica asked pleadingly, her big eyes batting.
   "Me too?" Avery asked eagerly. "I wanna do it too!"
   She laughed lightly, "Ask your mom and I'll ask the school if you can. Deal?"
   Grinning broadly, their heads bobbed up and down with break-neck nods.
   "So…" Taylor started, a smile wide on his lips as Jessica and Avery ran towards their mom. "Still gonna kill him?"
   Summer nodded without hesitation. "Oh, yes." She answered guiltlessly. "He deserves it, and he's gonna get it."
   "Let me help?" He asked laughing.
   "I dunno." She answered before turning towards Lex, and giving her a questioning look. "Do you think we should let him help?"
   She looked thoughtful for a moment, "Well, we should have someone on the inside helping us." She conceded slowly. "Ya know, just to be sure and all."
   Summer nodded slowly, looking thoughtful as well. "True, and it would be a trifle bit easier…" She nodded again, "All right, you're in. You can help." She agreed suddenly.
   "Have any plans yet?" He questioned.
   Her head shook, "Not yet. Just got the idea to do it today. However I'm still leaning heavily towards cutting him up and selling him on Ebay."
   His and Lex's laughter made her smile. She shrugged innocently, "What? I'd be well off afterward and never have to work again."
   "Why don't you get something else of his to sell on Ebay?" Lex suggested.
   "Something infinitely special to him, but not too much." Summer added.
   They both turned towards Taylor and Summer bit her lip to keep from smiling too big.
   "What?" He asked confusedly. Once he saw their looks he started shaking his head. "Oh, no. I'm not stealing anything of his for you!" He replied quickly. "I didn't agree to theft!"
   Summer laughed suddenly, "You're not stealing though!" She corrected. "You're borrowing then selling it!"
   He rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, big difference, Summer. Thanks for silencing my conscience!"
   Lex shrugged, "She's right though. It's not as if you personally are taking something of his and keeping it." She smiled, "He won't even have to know that it was you who did it!"
   An uneasy feeling settled over him and he started rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you two always get what you want?" He asked darkly.
   Summer smiled brightly, "No. But we have been known to on occasion"
   "Fine." He agreed with reluctance. "But you gotta figure out what it is you want first!"
   With that said, he stalked off to find a safer conversation. Sitting down, he took Zoë from his mom, and held her close to him as if she was to be his protector.
   "Hey, Summer?" Lex started slowly.
   "Yeah?" She asked as she sipped at her soda.
   "You just told Taylor that we get what we want on occasion." She said as her face screwed up with thought.
   Summer nodded, "That I did."
   Lex nodded as well, "When did we ever get what we want?" She asked abruptly.
   She laughed, "I dunno, but don't tell him that. I don't think he wants to know he's easy to manipulate."
   Lex shrugged and laughed as well, "He's a guy. So of course he is."
   Smiling, the two sat down at the bench, and talked with Mrs. Hanson of their day and the possible chances of Avery and Jessica joining the class once in a while.

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