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   It started off, and was almost unnoticeable for at least about five seconds before it actually blazed into a roaring pain.
   Summer pinched the bridge of her nose where the migraine was forming. She sighed loudly, I'll kill him. Her mind vowed silently to herself. He deserved it, and that's my reason, Officer. He talked me into doing something, it backfired royally, and he fully deserved being thrown off the cliff.
   Wait. There are no cliffs in Oklahoman. She scowled. His parents specifically moved here for that reason alone. So that their annoying sons could not be thrown off the side of a cliff.
   Closing her eyes, she continued her thoughts, Oh well, at least now planning his death I'll have something else that'll fill my time.
   "Well, it was a fairly good hour." Lex started off calmly, not liking the look on her sister's face.
   Popping one eye open, Summer glared at her before closing it again and rolling her tired shoulders. "I really don't want to know your definition of bad then, Lex." She stated calmly, "Cause that must really suck."
   Lex grinned, "Usually when something is bad, yes, it usually sucks." She answered happily, "Kinda ironic, huh?"
   Despite her mood, the corners of Summer's lips lifted anyway. "Kinda." She agreed.
   A knock landed on their doorjamb. "And how was the first hour, girlies?"
   Instantaneously, Summer was on her feet and heading for them. "Let me get a good grip on your neck and I'll letcha know!" She threatened.
   Lex started laughing as Zac continued to stand in confusion in the doorway. "Zac," she started quickly. "You may wanna start runnin', cause she ain't jokin', buddy."
   Taking the good advice, Zac vaulted into the room, and pushed Lex in front of him.
   She rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah, you're hiding." She commented sarcastically.
   "You wouldn't hurt your sister, now would ya?" He asked hopefully, ignoring Lex's remark.
   Summer smiled back tightly, "She'd forgive me!"
   Lex smirked, "That only really depends on what'd you give me for my forgiveness."
   She laughed, "The remains of Zac you could sell on Ebay?"
   Tilting her head, Lex thought on that for a moment. "Deal. If some N'sync kiddy could get a thousand for soggy bread with cinnamon on it, I could get a hell of a lot more for Zac Hanson body parts."
   Zac's grip on her shoulders tightened, "Hey!" He cried out, "It couldn't have been that bad!"
   Summer's eyes narrowed, "That girl Chrissy is dying to sacrifice someone for her handicap." She relayed to him slowly, "And it seems as if I've been nominated!"
   "She just needs someone to help and understand her though." Zac explained, keeping Lex firmly in front of him as his human shield still.
   Her head shook roughly, wincing as the pain sharpened in her head. "She wants to make my life another side of hell I haven't lived yet!"
   Zac grinned, "Get me a tee-shirt while you're there?' He joked weakly.
   Summer groaned and threw her hands up in the air. "I give up. I can't do this, Zac."
   Now pushing Lex away, Zac went up and gripped Summer's shoulders. "Give it some time, okay? Two weeks tops, and if you don't like it, you can leave and I won't stop you." He bargained, "I'll even help you!"
   Seeing her weighing it over in her mind, Zac smiled slightly. "You missed dancing didn't you?"
   It took a few seconds before Summer nodded slowly, silently.
   "Okay." She answered finally, "Two weeks, Zac. That's it."
   His smiled widened some, "That's all I need."

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