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   "Since we have only a fifty-minute class, due to five minute changes before and after class we have to set a strict schedule." Summer announced as the class settled, "We will always have a warm ups. So we're going for a small walk around the building."
   It was a meager class of eleven children. From ages eight to thirteen, of both girls and boys. She smiled at that. It was her class, which was all that mattered now.
   The walk was short, and almost pleasant. But once back inside, Christine sat down on the far side in front of the barre. Her arms crossed over her chest, and getting in the way of Becky, the girl Zac had been talking about last night.
   Summer gripped the sides of her head, Not today. Not today. She chanted as she waited patiently for it. The snotty remarks and the horrible attitude that would come from this child. "Why aren't you participating, Chrissy?" She questioned amicably, "You can't get credit if you don't participate."
   "I don't know why they would hire someone who doesn't know what they're doing." Chrissy remarked caustically, acting as if she was sizing her up from her position on the floor.
   Summer gritted her teeth, and rubbed her hands together tightly. Trying to keep them from strangling the girl. Child abuse is illegal. She reminded herself over and over again. Her smile tightened. "Chrissy," she started firmly, "I have been dancing for several years now. I still have fresh wounds on my feet. I've shed more blood for this than you ever will. So don't you dare even try and say I don't know what I'm doing."
   Chrissy faltered in stepping back so Summer bent closer to assure that she would hear her. "Save you sarcasm for someone who gives a damn to fight with you, okay?" She finished sweetly before patting her docilely on the head.
   Moving away, she smirked when she saw Chrissy's face darken and her arms cross in front of her. Conquering the handicap, you should feel so proud of yourself. Summer smiled, "And I do."
   "What?" Lex asked taking her eyes off the mirrors for a second.
   "Oh," Summer shrugged and grinned, "Nothing."
   They both watched as Chrissy stood, and grabbed hold of the barre. Checking her posture, she immediately "turned out" as the others were still learning to do.
   "She's good." Lex murmured appreciatively.
   Summer nodded, "She is. But she has too much attitude. Acting like she's better than everyone else isn't what she needs right now."
   Lex nodded in agreement, "Why do I get the feeling history is repeating itself here?"
   Summer grinned again, "I wasn't that bad. I just knew I was better than a few others." Her head tilted towards Chrissy, "Not everyone."
   "You still had attitude."
   She shrugged, "Usually the best ones always do."
   Lex was quiet for a moment, then, "Going to try and break her of it?"
   "I don't know." Summer admitted softly, her eyes still watching the young girl. "I know I should, but in a way, I know she probably needs that attitude."
   They both left it at that.

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