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Zac paced nervously in the front room in front of the TV. Summer crossed her arms in agitation after two minutes. "Zac, I love you like a brother and all, but if you don't get your scrawny butt out from in front of the tele," She said calmly. "I will have to kill you!"

He stopped suddenly, and smiled sheepishly at her. Quickly he moved and took the cushion next to her. "Sorry." He murmured his apology lame.

Summer rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I just bet you are."

He ignored that, and sighed a moment later.

Getting ready to get back up, Summer grabbed his arm and kept him seated. "You're not getting back in front of the tele." She warned, her eyes fixed on the glowing tube.

Zac smirked and settled back into the cushions and sulked. His arms crossing and him pouting.

At a commercial, Summer let him go and leaned back as well. She looked over at him in annoyance, "Spill it, bud." She demanded.

"I invited Mechelle over for piano lessons." Zac explained slowly and quietly, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt.

Summer shrugged, "Yeah, so?" She questioned. "You know how to play the piano, she wants to learn. What's the big deal about that?"

Zac shook his head, "You don't understand."

"You're not explaining well." She countered stubbornly.

He closed his eyes and waited for the worst, "She's the one that was in the accident."

"Oh," She said nodding, "The one you've become obsessed with."

His eyes shot open, "I am not obsessed!"

Summer rolled her eyes again, "Sure your not. Keep telling yourself that."

"I am not!" He started to argue.

Ignoring him, Summer grabbed his lips between her fingers to shut him up. "Shhh, its back on!"

Jerking away, he rubbed his sore lips and glared at his friend. She really wasn't helping much.

Once it came back to a commercial, Summer turned her attention back on him. "You are obsessed." She stated calmly, she hurried on when she saw him about to protest. "You're just going to have to admit that to yourself. As for the piano lessons, nothing's wrong with that. She wants to learn, you can teach her."

Zac slowly started to nod his head; "I'm just worried I'm not doing the right thing."

"You're not harming her. She came to you about the lessons right?" She asked curiously.

He nodded again.

"Okay, so you didn't suggest it to satisfy your own selfish needs." She exclaimed shrugging.

"I'm not selfish!" He defended.

Summer grinned, "No, you're not. But if you would have offered her lessons, just to find out all about the accident, that would have made you a selfish jerk."

"Summer," He said slowly.

"Hmm?" She asked smiling.

"You do wonders for the ego and confidence boost." He confessed dryly.

She laughed, "Hey, what are good friends for?"

Zac shook his head, "I don't know. When I get one, I'll tell you."

Summer smiled, "Good one."

He was about to retort when her hand covered his mouth. "Back on!" She snapped.

Once again, Zac rolled his eyes and settled back against the cushions. A small smile played about his lips; he was actually doing something right with Mechelle. Now all he had to do was bribe or blackmail his brothers into helping.

His smile widened at all the possibilities.

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