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It's funny. Sometimes things happen in your day and you become focused on that. Then something else happens and you get focused on that instead. But once that second thing is over with, you remember the first and start freaking out.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" Zac questioned angrily.

Taylor ducked, and just missed being hit in the head by flying a drumstick. "Zac!" He yelled in shock. "Watch it, would ya?"

He sighed and plopped down on his bed, "I'm sorry, Tay." He murmured, his face burying in his hands.

"Okay, so wanna tell me why I was almost attacked by the drumstick who could fly?" Taylor questioned as he took a position on his bed.

Zac lifted his head up from his hands, "I promised Mechelle she could come over today to do piano lessons." With a bitter laugh he started shaking his head, "But then I get this call about my brother being in an accident, and I take off."

He looked at his brother, "I didn't tell her I was leaving, didn't leave a message about a family emergency, didn't warn her I couldn't do the lessons today."

Taylor looked thoughtful for a moment, "So you feel guilty about that?" He asked.

Zac rolled his eyes, "Gee, you are the Einstein of this family, aren't you?" He remarked sarcastically. "You're just so dang quick, Tay. I'm having a hard time keeping up with you!"

He smirked, "Why don't you just get in touch with her now and give her an explanation?" He suggested shrugging.

"Because I don't have her number." Zac smiled up at him with a sweet falseness.

"Well," Taylor said laughing. "Well now we know that you're not the family genius, don’t we?"

Zac groaned and fell backwards on his bed, "I swear, sometimes I act blonder than you."

"Not possible, Zac." Isaac announced as he stepped into their room, shutting the door behind him.

Zac shrugged while Taylor complained about the insult.

"Anyways, what are you two talking about?" Isaac asked as he got up into his bed and lay down and looked up at the ceiling. Ignoring Taylor.

"Zac wasn't able to get his chick friend home today to teach piano. So he's freakin' out and guilt trippin' over what she's thinking about him now." Taylor relayed.

Isaac turned his head and looked down at a quiet Zac. "Just tell her family emergency."

He sighed, "Come on, Ike." He commented dryly. "Does that not sound like the biggest crock?"

"The girl has no friends, she's gonna think that I played her."

"Ouch." Taylor remarked wincing.

Zac nodded, "Exactly."

"Oh come on, Zac." Isaac said rolling his eyes in exasperation. "Show her the medical bills if you have to."

It took Zac a moment to swallow the hard lump that had formed in his throat, "She's blind, Ike."

Silence filled their room.

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