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"Good morning." Zac called out cheerfully, as he sat at the table wit his family.

"Zac," Taylor started, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Yeah?" He asked cautiously.

He squinted up at him, "Shut up."

Zac grinned, "Tired, Mister Crabby?" He asked sweetly.

A dishtowel was thrown in his face. "I'm not even in the mood for your extremely happy mood this morning, Zac." Isaac commented as he sluggishly moved around the kitchen.

He looked at his two brothers curiously with concern, "Bad night?" He asked, still watching them.

Taylor grunted before laying his head on the table, his eyes closing.

Zac raised an eyebrow at Isaac.

"We were working on a song all night last night." He murmured before yawning. Then he shook his head slowly; "We haven't even been to bed yet."

"Ohhh," He said nodding his head in understanding.

When their mom stood in the doorway, Zac bent down and grabbed his pack. Straightening he gave his brother a quick half hug, "Well, I'm off. I wanna hear the song when I get back." He said walking towards the door. "And get some sleep!" He yelled, causing Taylor to jerk up in panic.

Isaac nodded and laughed weakly, "Bye Zac."

"Bye, Zac. Go get hit by a truck." Taylor murmured before resting his head back down on the tabletop.

"I heard that!" He yelled before the front door slammed shut.

"I'm glad you did." Taylor replied, his voice muffled by his arm lying by his mouth. "Follow through with it. Go for the gold."

Isaac smiled, before pulling his brother up. "Come on." He said yawning again. "It is so time for bed."

Taylor's head bobbed up and down, and they both stumbled to the stairs. Climbing slowly, Isaac didn't lift his foot high enough, and hit the lip of the step. Losing his balance his arms flew out to grab onto something, grasping Taylor's shirt and the railing.

His hands lost both of their grips, and he started falling backwards.

Eyes wide, Taylor rushed down to help his fallen brother, followed by many quiet curses. "Ike?" He called shakily. "Ike, are you okay."

Slowly Isaac started to open his eyes and turn his head. "That damn thirteenth step." He grumbled, struggling to stand on his own, Taylor helped.

"Ow!" He cried out loudly as he touched the side of his head and a now tender spot on his ribs.

"Dude, we gotta get dad and tell him about it." Taylor said as he ran a hand through his already mussed hair.

But Isaac started to shake his head roughly, paying for it when a sharp pain pierced through his forehead. Wincing, he swallowed hard. "No. If we tell dad, Zac'll know." His head shook again, terribly slow this time. "And I'm not letting him know anything about this."

He focused his eyes on his younger brother, "And neither will you." He stated seriously.

Taylor looked reluctant to make any promises but soon did when Isaac gave him a dark look. "Okay." He mumbled, then sighed. "I won't tell anyone anything."

Isaac then gave a small nod, "Good. Now let's go to bed. I'm tired, and seeing three of you."

"And one is enough."

Smiling weakly, Taylor complied and helped him back up the stairs. This time they both avoided the thirteenth step, and making it to the top.

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