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Twenty Five A

Zac calmly tried to sit still and listen.

Mechelle twisted nervously, her head bowed as if she'd be staring at her hands that were wringing tightly in her lap. "Jakob and Summer both told me your questions about my accident." She started of softly.

His head instinctively turned to his two friends, a glare shooting from his dark gaze. "Sometimes it's hard to keep things to oneself." He muttered dryly.

Jakob had turned his head away, while Summer leveled her eyes with his.

She took in a deep breath; "My friend Kim dragged me to the party that night. It was supposed to be this major thing for the basketball team, they were going to champion next week I think, I'm not for sure."

Zac started shaking his head and stood up, "No." He said firmly, walking away.

Startled, Mechelle tried to follow his movements. "What?" She asked in confusion, her brows furrowing in thought. "No what?"

He sighed and pushed his fingers through his hair, knowing that everyone was waiting for his answer. "I don't want you to tell me simply because I had questions." He groaned when the confused looks weren't erased, "If you tell me I want it to be because you wanted to, not because you think it's only fair I knew something about you since you know something about me."

She took in a calming breath, "Zac, I'm not going to pretend that I just decided to tell you for no reason at all. I want to tell you, simply because I do trust you, because I do consider us friends, because I do want you to know."

He stared at her, wondering why she would even want to still consider him a friend for all that he had done to her. "I don't want you pressured into this, though."

Before Mechelle could reply a knock on the door broke the tension filled silenced. Zac groaned, "We may as well have balloons and food since this is becoming much like a party." He growled, crossing the room and wrenching the door open. "Yes?" He asked shortly, his hand tugging on his hair.

Noticing the girl before him, he blushed in shame. "Sorry." He murmured, "who are you and what can I help you with?"

She smiled ruefully at him, "I'm Kim and I believe Mechelle is here?"

Accessing her before he answered, Zac nodded and opened the door wider. "Come in, everyone else seems to be doing it."

Smirking, Kim wheeled herself into the room and smiled at Summer as she rolled herself over to Mechelle's side. "I took the time to get myself here, and I'm going to be heard." She told them all sternly as Mechelle felt around her chair then hugged her.

"Everyone get comfortable." Summer warned smiling. "It seems we're going to be here for a while."

Kim nodded in agreement, "Yes, some things have to be said." She turned to Mechelle, "Shell's," she started softly, "You don't know exactly what happened the night of the accident, and I know that's what you were going to tell Zac today." She took in a deep steadying breath, "which is why I'm here to tell him and you the truth."

Mechelle's brow furrowed in confusion, "I don't understand…"

"You will." Kim replied quietly, her bottom lip being caught between her teeth. "I talked her into going to the party." She said turning to look at the rest of them, her shoulders pulled back, "She was tense and nervous about the whole thing, and when one of my guy friends suggested spiking her drink, I was all for it."

Sitting back and digesting this news so far, Mechelle waited in silence as her friend continued on her story.

Zac jumped up again though, "Kim, I don't think the rest of us should be here while you break this news to Mechelle." He said nervously, his eyes watching her. "Maybe this should be a private conversation and then ya know, one of you can tell us later on if you feel the need to?" He started motioning for Summer to get up and leave as he went over and took Jakob's elbow.

Kim turned towards Mechelle; "It's Mechelle's decision."

Stalling, everyone froze and awaited Mechelle's final decision. Slowly and cautiously, she nodded her acquiescence.

Sighing, they all sat back down, Zac shaky with nerves.

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