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What do we do?

What do we do? - That's a good question. We are considered to be slackers by rest of the band. But what they don't know is that we slack for a purpose. Sure they see us working hard in the shade, but the truth is, we do it to make them look good. Think about it, if you see these hard workers practicing in the hot sun, then you look at the rifles cruising in the shade, wouldn't you think that the people on the field are better than the rifles? Now, if the rifles were in the hot sun, and the band was in the shade, you would think differently, right? Exactly, but the sad truth is, that the majority of the band dosen't realize this. It's sad but true.

Nah, just joking! Don't take it so seriously band! We do all the same things the band does except instead of playing an instrument and marching, we must spin, and toss, and all that good stuff while we are marching. Yeah, we do tend to slack off a bit, but we have one of the best attendance records out of all the sections in band! Lie? Us? It's true. We have a very little amount of absences compared to the other sections.

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