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Hi.....and thanks for coming!
I have been doing another lot of work on the whole site.
Like I said before, I managed to lose a few things while doing it ....and I have suspended the Chat-room, & Card-Site, due to not having the time to commit fully to them at the moment.

Anywaaayyys.....Welcome to my little corner of the Web!!
My family and I live in a small rural town in Outback Queensland, in Australia. My family consists of myself, my husband Phil, and our 6 children..... Jeremy(16), Joshua(14), MaryKatherine(11), Rian(10), Samuel(8) and Thomas(6).
More about the kids later.

About Me.....~Sarah~

I work from home doing stuff on my puter, as well as being a full-time Domestic Engineer.
I love my puter almost as much as my Family, and will admit I am ever so slightly addicted to it!!
I also teach Basic Computers and/or Internet to Private Clients, & I do Web-Design too.
Paid to do what I love BLISS!!

I am 34, and am finally getting some time to enjoy myself a bit.....time to do my own thing.
One of my great passions is music...any sort of music from Billy Idol to Louis Armstrong. I enjoying fixing up houses and decorating them, usually with a definite country feel. Reading is another great passion of mine, and if toilet paper had writing on it I’d read it too!!
I am really into reading self-help & psychology stuff at the moment......

I am also the "Owner" of ADD-Spouse, an online Support Group for people living with a Partner who has ADD/ADHD.  It is a wonderful Group of people, who understand the daily trials that this can entail.
I'm also co-moderator of  Webmates, which is a fun place to meet new people online, for friends to have a laugh, share jokes, have regular chats, & just generally be themselves.
While I personally am not very active with-in Webmates at the moment, there are some wonderful people to meet there.

My Husband Phil!

My husband Phil works for the National Australia Bank, & does some part time bar-work at the local RSL  (Returned Services League) Club.
He likes 10-pin bowling, lawn-bowling and playing football.
He has also recently taken up Golf again, and has a renewed passion for he can be found, most week-ends, chasing a lil white ball around a grassy field, with a stick!!

Phil is 40 and has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (adhd).
Whilst this can be a hindrance to his life (& ours!), it has enabled him to keep up with a high pressure career and makes him very creative, innovative and outgoing...a real peoples person.
One of the downsides though, is that he would forget his head if it wasn't screwed on!!

OLD Photo of Phil & I


Jeremy, at 16, (17 in Nov), has just left school, to head to the 'Big Smoke' to work.
He is currently staying with my brother-in-law, & helping him out in his business.
He also has in interest in music, and as yet has not decided on his career path, though he recently did work-experience being an Assistant Teacher at a Primary School, & his current work is in various fields, with being an assistant to a painter, a plasterer, a brick-layer & a plumber....all good for life experiences!


Joshua (14) is a charmer and the sportsman in the family.
He loves football, motorbikes, skating and more recently...GIRLS!!!
Josh is in year 10 at High School, so gets his Junior Certificate at the end of this year.
He currently has aspirations to being a Sports Teacher or Primary School Teacher, or possibly even a Police Officer. He is still young though so time will tell!!


Our only daughter, which everyone HAS to comment on!!
Yes she is her mum......
MaryKatherine is in Yr 6 at school and since starting school 6 yrs ago has consistently been Dux of her Year.  She is a nice kid and at present wishes to become a Doctor...and luckily she has the brains to do it...and the determination!


Rian is in Yr 5 at school.....also very intelligent like his elder sister. 
Rian gets into trouble a bit for being a wee bit too opinionated, (like his Mum!) usually at the wrong time!!
Foot in mouth problem.
He is the short one out of the kids but makes up for it with a fierce temper.. and is an expert sulker!!


Samuel is our "Wild Child."
Like his Dad, Sam has ADHD and also has
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Autistic Spectrum Disorder / Aspergers Syndrome).
We had known something, since Sam was a baby, but it has taken a long haul to finally get help for him, but slowly things are getting better for us all. 
He has a difficult time at school, small steps for other kids are giant leaps for Sam.
He keeps us on the go with his hyperactivity, alas, he has no fear or forethought which can make for some hair-raising and interesting times!!
You can read SAMS' STORY here!!


Tom is the character of the family!! He is 6 going on 60 and the biggest gossip around.
He knows people we have never even met and to go shopping with him in tow is a major event.
We have to keep stopping so he can chat with people to get an update on daily events!! 
Life with Tom is never dull. His wit & old world wisdom has us laughing, or shaking our head in amazement, often!!


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Pictures of the KIDS!
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