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Dipsy Dipsy
Dipsy       Tinky Winky       Laa-Laa     Po      Back Nickname:Cool Tubb
Favorite Thing: Hat
Played by: John Simmit (real name hugh Edwards)

    Dipsy's the fashion-conscious 'tubb. He wears a big black-and-white topless hat which has been known to grow and shrink. Dipsy puts his hat on by either putting on the ground upside down and spiking it with his ariel or by getting one of the others to help him. Dipsy has a song about his hat which he loves to sing (Lyric: 'Hat, hat ha-at, hat hat ha-at, hat hat ha-at. Hat').
    Dipsy loves dancing and can show Tinky Winky a move or two. His dancing style resembles Michael Jackson's and he likes doing that odd hand movement that David Byrne does in Talking Heads' "Once In A Lifetime" video. Maybe all his groovy moving is to impress Laa-Laa, who he's obviously completely gaa-gaa over.
    Dipsy is played by John Simmit, a comedian quoted as saying he's only in it for the money.
