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Laa-Laa Laa-Laa
Laa-Laa      Tinky Winky      Dipsy    Po     Back
Nickname:Cute Tubb
Favorite Thing: Ball
Played by:Nikky Smedley

    Laa-Laa's the happiest Teletubby of them all, which takes some doing. Laa-Laa's favourite thing is a large orange ball which sometimes has a life of its own and which she can throw up as high as the clouds!
    Laa-Laa's more of a singer than a dancer, though she's been known to strut her stuff in the 'tubby tutu. She can often be heard singing her song ("Laa-le la-le-la. La-le-laa"). Laa-Laa's other obvious characteristic is her shameless flirting, especially with Dipsy. She's definitely not above using her feminine charms to get what she wants.
    Laa-Laa is played by Nikky Smedley. (The only Nikky Smedley I can find on that there internet is a choreographer from London. Are these one and the same?)
