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Pics of US
Our Puppy
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Welcome to Jeff and Jen's Picture Depot
Jeff and Jen will not sell, alter or give away any pictures or information on people who submit their pictures.
Jeff and Jen are not resposible for anything that can go bad as a result of this homepage.
Jeff and Jen reserves the right to post or not post your picture.
Your e-mail address and pictures will not be sold or given to any company or person for any reason.
As far as Jeff and Jen know the picture that is submitted to Jeff and Jen's Picture depot is the person who submitted it.
By any means Jeff and Jen can not be held accountable for pictures that are knot submitted by the actual person.
You can only submit one picture per catagory.
After submiting any picture with your information, you give that information to Jen and Jeff they can remove at there own time. Requests to take of pictures will be concered, requests to remove certian information will not be concered.
If you exceed this amount ALL your pictures will be taken off Jeff and Jen's Picture Depot. li>If you agree to the above terms then feel free to submit your picture, otherwise DO NOT!!!
Submit your picture to the following account: