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Sarahs Family

My SIL Claudia & Big Brother John!!

My eldest brother John and his wife Claudia have been a duo for well over a decade and they have two delightful daughters, Belinda and Briony. Both girls are a distinct credit to their parents and are truely wonderful little people, whom I am PROUD to call my nieces. I miss all four of them dreadfully.

Belinda & Briony!!

My Beautiful Nieces! This is an embarrassingly OLD photo of the girls, but I am waiting for someone to send me newer ones heehee. (Majorly proud Aunt LOL)

Big Brother Peter!!

My brother Peter is such a big softy, and Phil and I love to tease him about being a 'tree-huggin greeny'!! He is a million miles away in Canberra, but we keep in touch thanks to email LOL.

My Father Mac!!

My Father lives in far North Queensland on a small farm. He is 73, an OB/GYN (retired), and lives by himself. Still life in the Ole Boy yet!!

My Sister Helen!!

This is my beautiful sister Helen. A wonderful woman and a topclass sister. We dont talk often, but we both know we are here for one another ...anytime...any reason. I Love you Helen xx
Huggles to Gorgeous Georgeus too :o)

My 'other' Father

This is Tony, my other Dad. Married to my Mum since I was very little and the guiding light in her life and for that I will be eternally grateful to him.
Thanks AP xx

[Looks a bit like a deer caught in the headlights here tho rofl!]

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