Hello everyone! Especially my friends from school! I hope you find this page fun to visit! I have all sorts of goodies on this one! It isn't even near started, but don't worry, it'll come along! Have fun!
School Memories:
My School Pictures!
Wanna see me through my school years? Click here and see the embarrasing images of me - on picture day!
My/Our Class Pictures!
This should be fun! Check out all my classes through the years! See us grow into, well, into us!
Here are descriptions and pictures (if I have them) of the teachers I've had!
Old Work!
Old pictures, journals, essays? Click here to see this genius develop! Hee hee hee, just kidding, but click here to see some pretty funny assignments!
Everyone who went to my elementary school - PLOG stands for Paula's List Of Groups. I thought I was so cool back then, I classified everyone in the class into groups with different names! Sorry if anyone is offended, I know some of it is mean, but it is pretty fun looking back! No offense... but enjoy anyway!
Grade eight grad. It was glitz, glamour... well, not really, but it was fun! Click here for pictures of the event!
Present Day School:
My beloved school! Click here for a list of the classes I've taken and the marks I've gotten in each class!
Northern Website!
Click here to go to the actual Northern (N.C.I.V.S) Website. I've never really been to it.. but I'm sure it's fun!