Scanning produces a bitmap or raster image file. This is usually the cheapest method, especially in quantity, but it has many disadvantages; large file sizes. inaccuracy. "noise" from flaws in the paper drawing. It is not practical to edit the raster file directly although portions can be erased and overlayed with a vector file. Digitizing is tracing a paper drawing into a CAD file using a pointing device and digitizing tablet. On screen digitizing means tracing a raster image (produced by scanning) in CAD. Both methods produce a vector format drawing file. Drawbacks are the high cost and fast obsolescence of digitizers and the inaccuracy of tracing. Precision Redraw is reproducing the paper drawing in CAD by drawing from scratch, using all the information in the paper drawing. This produces a full CAD file with all the advantages of an original CAD drawing. Layering standards, blocks, standard titles, etc. can all be maintained. Accuracy is equal to or better than the original paper drawing.