Patterns: Bicolours, Points, Mitteds & Lynx
Colours: Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Red Series
At Stud:

Gr. Ch. Raga Samson {Imp. Norway}Retired.
-seal pt carrying blue and choc-
American/Norwegian/English lines.
Samson is one of Dollywoods favourite
cats and consistently produces
kittens of excellent type and nature. He is a very
gentle giant and loves nothing more
than to play and watch over kittens. He can be handled,
combed and fussed over by anybody and
loves to headbutt unsuspecting people.

Dollywood Kiss the Girls
- Blue pt -
Aust/American/English lines.
Exceptionally huge kitten fast approaching adulthood.
Magnificent boning and temperament, needs
improvement on eye colour, however with right girl
no end to the possibilities. Son of Dollywood Georgy Peorgy
and Ragtail Briar Mist - an exceptional mating
Dollywood has now
carried out twice.
Kiss now enjoying the girls

A magnificent creme pt boy, of great boning and fast approaching massive size at
8 months very affectionate and loving towards all humans and animals.
Sire: Rosauris Northern Lights (imp UK) Dam: Dollywood Tinkerbell

Kiwi Magic Capt. Courageous (Imp NZ)