You'll never forget the first time - Version 1.1

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Welcome to You'll never forget the first time - Version 1.1 (7/1/04).

Version 1.1... last time it was version 1.0... it only moved up to a .1 because it's not fully redesigned... until it's full designed (one day) that's when it'll change to a 2.0 LOL...

Well this website was originally intended to expand curious minds when I wrote some slash stories on But I haven't posted anything new there (I need a beta... any takers?) so you just have to settle with my 'junky' unbeta'd versions.

Writing Status... currently writing

Harry Potter pairings

Midway through...planned, no work done


Bottom of the list... currently dead, forgotten, not worked on in a long time

Everything else (except Harry Potter)

This section, will tell you which stories are active, and inactive for those who are checking up on this site constantly.

(Coming Soon)

Contact me...

Itching for some Wood?

Send some feedback by dropping me a line

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