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Fun And Laughter all the Way!!!

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As you can probably tell by now, this is my jokes page!!! feel free to laugh at any time... The Riddles, Siglets, and Bogglers all have their own page now, whic you can get to by clicking HERE
Have FUN!!!

Here goes...


Three blondes and a Genie

There were three blondes, and a genie appeared and offered them a wish each. The first blonde wished to be 100% smarter, so the genie turned her into a brunette. The second blonde said she wanted to be 50% smarter, so he turned her into a red head. The third blonde said she wanted to be 50% dumber, so the genie turned her into a man!


10 Reasons Why the Bible Would Be Different if it was Written by Uni Students

  1. The last supper would have been eaten the next morning, cold.
  2. The Ten Commandments would actually only be five, double-spaced, and written in a large font.
  3. Promiscuous females would be pissed, not stoned.
  4. Forbidden fruit would still have been eaten - anything is better than college food.
  5. Paul's letter to the Romans would be Paul's email to
  6. The Reason Cain killed Abel: they were flatting together and the dishes weren't getting done
  7. The time and place when the end of the world occurs would be lecture theatres in October.
  8. Mary would have mad a complaint to the sexual harassment committee concerning God's unwanted advances.
  9. The reason why Moses and the followers walked in the desert for 40 years: they didn't want to stop and ask for directions.
  10. Instead of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, he would have done it the night before it was due, and pulled an all-nighter.


    A Lightbulb Joke...

    How many Hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    5. 1 to screw the lightbulb in, and 4 to share the experience...


    Reasons Why It Is Better To Be A Woman

    1. We realise that the easiest way to get out of being lost is by asking for directions
    2. Our brains are located in our heads, not in our pants.
    3. Men die earlier so we can cash in on the life insurance.
    4. We have never had sexual feelings for a car.
    5. Free drinks, free dinners, free films...
    6. We can talk to members of the opposite sex without imagining them naked.
    7. We don't need to put 3 tubs of brylcreem in our hair to impress members of the opposite sex.
    8. If we forget to shave, no-one has to know.
    9.We can hug our friends without wondering if she thinks we're gay.
    10. We can hug our friends without wondering if we're gay.
    11. We've never lusted after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.

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    Last updated 25th October 2001