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Vix World: Education, Education, Edu...Wha?

Education, Education, Edu... what???
General Internet Rescourses

S-Cool This website has loads of resources for A-level, GCSE, careers, and more!

exxams Past exam papers and answers A useful site for sixth-formers A revision website, withe example essays, and other stuff

AS Guru This is a BBC website

Boxmind An excellent site, which is a search engine just for students

SchoolzoneCurriculum related web resources

Get Clicking!

Hi there! Welcome to my education page! Whatever you're studying, there's bound to be some advice or links to help you on your way.

I'm sure that at on time or another, some of us have sat there in one the most boring lessons imaginable, and wished that those books would just fly straight out the window. If only... Well, hopefully, I can make the whole learning experience more interesting. Yeah, right...

Actually, I've just added a NEW PAGE, which you can visit by clicking here That'll take you to the new page, which has a v. amusing version of "I Will Survive". I advise you to check it out. It's definitely worth it!

Back to the advice now...If you have a problem that needs an answer quite quickly, and nothing here can help you, why not take a detour and post your problem on my message board and hopefully an answer will appear soon!

If you're looking for subject-specific links, rather than the general links on the left, click on your subject in the list below, and you'll be taken to a wonderful place full of links for you to try! (coming soon. It's not quite ready yet!)

Happy Surfing!

Accounting Biology Business Studies
Chemistry Computing Economics
English Language English Literature Geography
History Law Mathematics
Media Studies Modern Languages Physics
Politics Psychology Sociology

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