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I Love Em'


Just in case your wondering I took all these pic's myself apart from 

the 1's wiv me in em, lol,  Sorry if any of them are poor quality,

But hey what can i say,, I'm no photographer



This is me on my SUZUKI RGV 250, Capable of speed up to 130mph approx, 

and 0-60 in as little as 4 seconds, not that i tryed this of course

At this point I was just getting ready to go out for a ride!!!



This is a front pic of my baby, Me and a bunch of mates went to

a old school playing field, for this photo shoot, lol



And now we have a side pic of my Baby!!

Mods include, Full arrows racing exhaust system, colored anodized fairing bolts,

colored handlebar grips, a tinted black screen, small indicators, small number plate..

the list goes on.....



And u guessed it, a picture of the tail.



This is my mate WILL, on his CAGIVA MITO 125, dont be

fooled by the size of the engine of this little beast, it can still

reach speed of up to 115mph..



This is a close up of one of Will's knee sliders, if you notice

the light black patch on the front of the slider you will be able to

 see where will has been using his legs to wear away the asphalt.



And a side piccy of the CAGIVA, but with Keygan in the background

on his APRILLA RS250.



This is KEYGAN, on his APRILLA RS 250, 

The beauty of all 250's