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About Creatures

Creatures is striving to create without destroying.  By only selling captive bred animals. We believe, at the least we are not contributing to the problems of the pet industry.

At best we hope to inform and teach people about a few wonderful creatures that live in our world. While bringing the enjoyment of having an exotic pet into the home.

We believe that by bringing these pets into peoples homes and letting individuals and families care for them. It will give these folks some understanding of how these creatures live and why there habitats are so important.

If we are able to reach a few people that would be great.

There is lots of information about all these different creatures. You can find information on the internet, or in books or by talking with informed herpers. We encourage all of these activities.

Please learn as much as you can about an animal, before you buy an animal. I have seen many people buy snakes and other reptiles, put them in poor enclosures with bad  lighting and heating and then wonder why there snake or Iguana is not doing well.

All animals are an ongoing learning process. There needs are constantly changing. It is your job as there care taker, if you choose to take on the responsibility, to provide a stimulating and most importantly, healthy environment.

So please realize that even a snake which is a relatively easy animal to care for, compared to some other lizards, needs lots of attention.

Thanks for your interest.

This web site is an ongoing  project. There will be more care sheets, and links to other great sites. Also more about
Creatures, and  more thoughts from me.

Please visit us again.

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