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13B. Graphic Controls Making Graphic Controls, that do NOT have a Window. |
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There are several "Controls" in the Delphi VCL like TLabel and TSpeedButton that are "Graphic" controls and are not a system "Window", but are just an Image painted on the parents DC. These graphic controls have properties like width and height and some have events like OnMouseDown and OnClick. But since there is no system Window for these controls, all of the appearence and functionality comes from the parents system messages and drawing the control in the WM_PAINT message of it's parent. In this Graphic Controls, GrafCtrls.pas, Unit, there is code for several "Image" only controls, these controls are Not system windows but are just drawn on their parents window in it's WM_PAINT message. These "Graphic" controls include a GLabel, a GButton, a GArrow, and a GBorder. These image controls may not have any usefullness for you, these are mostly for a "How To" example. You may want to create your own code for a Graphic type that you would commonly use. |
Types of Graphic Controls There are four types of graphic controls in this unit, a text display called GLabel, a clickable button called GButton, an Arrow shape called GArrow, and a rectangular border called GBorder. These are here as examples for you to use to make your own re-usable code unit, with image areas (controls) that you have needed or coded in your GUI design. I will not use any "Delphi TObject" creation for these controls, I did not need these graphic controls to have many properties or have many "Options". So to try and keep it simple, I use functions to get and set the properties of a control, like the API functions that use a "Handle" to get and set window properties. All of these controls are Identified by a Number returned from their creation function, which is used much like a system "Handle". I have separate functions for each control type of control, that will create and change that control type. There are three functions (procedures) that can be used on 3 types of controls, much like the API window functions. They are - MoveGCtrl( ), , ShowGCtrl( ), , isGCtrlVisible( ). These 3 functions work on the GButton, GArrow and GBorder controls, but NOT on the GLabel controls. The first graphic control is a GLabel, You have seen this type of thing before in the In Units lesson, there was a ApiFormU.pas unit that had an array of TLabelRec to draw text in the main window's WM_PAINT message, to look like a text STATIC control. I hope that you could see how this "Array of Control Information" method could be used for other types of image areas or controls. The GLabel here is very much like the text draw label in APIformU.pas unit, so you should look at the code an explanation for the Labels in that lesson. The GLabels have an array of image information (position, parent) that is "Public" and can be accessed and changed by code. The other G controls in this do Not allow user access to the array of image information, like the GLabels does. You must use a function or procedure to change any of the properties (array data) for these G controls. I beleive for your own graphic control unit you would want to always have the control's "Array" of image data be public. All of these graphic controls have a function to create them, I use the word "Make" for my creation functions here, like MakeGButton( ). All of these Make functions will return an Identification number for the control that was created. This ID number is used in the other G control functions to identify which control to change. Each "Make" function will have parameters for the parent window handle and it's position (usually a Left and Top) and other parameters needed for that control. If the control has text there will be a Caption parameter, and if a Color is used a Color paramter. Each control has several more functions to change or get information for that control. You will notice that in this unit there are is NO way to destroy a G control once it has be created, if you need this you can add a function for it. There are many other options and properties you can add, but remember that this also adds bytes to your programs file size. The four Make functions - function MakeGLabel(hParent,Left,Top:Integer;const Caption:String; Color1:Cardinal=0;hFont:Integer=-1):Integer; function MakeGButton(hParent,Left,Top:Integer;Width,Height: Word; const Caption:String;OnClick:TGButProc):Integer; function MakeGArrow(hParent,PointX,PointY:Integer;Width,Length: Word; ArrowKind:TArrowKind;Color:Integer=0):Integer; function MakeGBorder(hParent,Left,Top:Integer;Width,Height:Word; Kind:TBorderKind;Color:Cardinal;HiLoOff:Byte):Integer;The hParent parameter in all of these must be the parent window handle. The other parameters should be be recognized by their names. You will need to look at the code for any of these functions that you are interested in and figure out how they work, so you can get some ideas on how to make your own graphic display control. G Controls need to be Painted in Parents WM_PAINT Message DrawGLabels( ) Without these procedures being called you will not see anything on the GUI. Each of these procedures needs the parameters for the message window's handle (hWnd), the BeginPaint DC (hDC), and the BeginPaint area rectangle (PaintRect). Like this code - function MessageFunc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam:Integer):Integer; stdcall; var PaintS: TPaintStruct; begin Result := Zero; case Msg of WM_PAINT: begin BeginPaint(hWnd, PaintS); DrawGLabels(hWnd, PaintS.hDC, PaintS.rcPaint); EndPaint(hWnd,PaintS); Exit; end; end; Result := DefWindowProc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam); end; The GButton will get user input from a Left mouse button click, so you must place it's 2 procedures for mouse messages in it's parents left button mouse message handlers. The GButLDown( ) in the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message, , and the GButLUp( ) in the WM_LBUTTONUP message. Code Examples If you are interested in this type of graphic control, you will need to look at the code in the unit below to get ideas to help you in your methods for making your own display controls. There are comments in the units code to give a few hints about what a function does, but you should have knowledge of the methods used here already from previous lessons here at Delphi Zeus. You might try and create your own visual control first, and then look at these examples for ideas about methods to create, size and draw it. On the next page Using GrafCtrls Program there is code for a program to show you how to use these G controls. |
unit GrafCtrls; // unit for Images that act like a control interface uses Windows; // the ONLY unit in the uses clause is Windows {These Graphic Controls are NOT meant to be a complete "Add On" unit for your projects, this is an example unit, with some code to show some methods for using a painted area to look like a "control". You will notice that none of these G controls have any way to Delete or Destroy a G control once it has been created, although you can hide them} {I will draw on the DC of the "Parent" window, in the WM_PAINT message for all of these Graphic controls, by looping through an Array of control information for each different type of control. All of these controls have a creation function with the word "Make", like MakeGButton( ). All of these Make functions will return an Identification number (like a Handle) to be used in other functions to tell it which control to access. . All of these controls also have a function with the word "Draw", like DrawGArrow( ) that MUST be placed in all of the parent windows WM_PAINT message that have those graphic controls on them. All of these controls have a function with the word "Change", like ChangeGLabel( ), which will change some display of a single control} {the only control here to use any user input is the GButton, which will get left button mouse clicks, There are two procedures GButLDown and GButLUp that MUST be placed in all of the GButton parent windows WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP messages} type PGLabelRec = ^TGLabelRec; TGLabelRec = Record hParent1: Integer; // Parent of Label GRect: TRect; // Bounds Rectangle of Label Hide: Boolean; // Will only draw if false TextColor: Cardinal; // Label text color FontHnd: Integer; // font used to draw text Text: String; // text to draw on Label end; // this TGLabelRec is a record of Information used to Draw a GLabel // GRect is the name for a TRect that will have the Bounds of a G Control // Hide is True if a G control is Hidden (negative of Visible) PGButProc = ^TGButProc; TGButProc = procedure(GButton: Integer); // a TGButProc is a procedure called for button Clicks on a GButtons PArrowKind = ^TArrowKind; TArrowKind = (akRight, akLeft, akUp, akDown, akNon); // TArrowKind wiil indicate the direction a GArrow will point, Right, Left // Up and Down, the akNon is a NON-Change or "Null" PBorderKind = ^TBorderKind; TBorderKind = (bkFlat, bkDown, bkOut, bkGrove, bkBump, bkNon); // TBorderKind sets the look of the GBorder, the Flat is solid color, no 3D, // Down looks depressed, Out looks like a button, the bkNon is for // NON-Change, a Null {All of these controls work by creating a ARRAY of a controls position and parent Record. The only array I have made "Public" is for the GLabel. The other arrays are in the implementation and can not be accessed in code.} var AryGLabel: Array of TGLabelRec; // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = //// GLabel functions function MakeGLabel(hParent, Left, Top: Integer; const Caption: String; Color1: Cardinal = 0; hFont: Integer = -1): Integer; // Creates a GLabel and returns an ID number for that GLabel procedure ChangeGLabel(iGLabel: Integer; const Caption: String; hFont: Integer = -2); // Changes the Caption or font of GLabel, the GLabel parameter is the // GLabel ID number from the MakeGLabel function procedure RefreshGLabel(iGLabel: Integer; Visible: Boolean = True); // the RefreshGLabel does InvalidateRect on the parent for bounds Rect procedure DoGLabelRect(iGLabel: Integer); // this DoGLabelRect will calculate the Bounds Rect for that Label // according to it's text length and Font // this DrawGLabels must be placed in the labels's parent WM_PAINT message procedure DrawGLabels(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); // the hWnd is from the parent message function, the hDC is from the // BeginPaint and the PaintRect is from the TPaintStruct rcPaint // Common C Control Functions // these three functions work on the 3 G Controls // below, GButton, GArrow and GBorder, does NOT do GLabels procedure MoveGCtrl(iGControl, Left, Top: Integer; Width, Height: Word); // will move a G Control to a new position or size // you can set the Width or Height to Zero if you do NOT want them to change procedure ShowGCtrl(iGControl: Integer; Show: Boolean = True); // will Show or Hide a G Control function isGCtrlVisible(iGControl: Integer): Boolean; // returns True if the G Control is visible //// GButton functions function MakeGButton(hParent, Left, Top: Integer; Width, Height: Word; const Caption: String; OnClick: TGButProc): Integer; // Creates a GButton, you need a TGButProc procedure for that Button Click procedure setGButtonFont(iGButton, hFont: Integer; TextColor: Integer = -1); // sets the Font and text Color for a GButton procedure ChangeGButton(iGButton: Integer; const Caption: String; Enable: Boolean = True); // changes the Text or enabled for a GButton function GetGButBounds(iGButton: Integer): TRect; // gets the placement , bounds, in a rectangle function isGButEnabled(iGButton: Integer): Boolean; // returns True if GButton is Enabled function GButCaption(iGButton: Integer): String; // returns the text caption of GButton // the next three procedures are placed in the GButton's Parent Message Proc procedure DrawGBut(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); // WM_PAINT for drawing the GButton procedure GButLDown(hWnd, lParam: Integer); // WM_LBUTTONDOWN to record a mouse down procedure GButLUp(hWnd: Integer); // WM_LBUTTONUP to call the TGButProc click procedure //// GArrow Functions function MakeGArrow(hParent, PointX, PointY: Integer; Width, Length: Word; ArrowKind: TArrowKind; Color: Integer = 0): Integer; // creates a GArrow function GetGArrow(iGArrow: Integer; pPosition: PPoint; pBounds: PRect; pKind: PArrowKind): Integer; // in this GetGArrow, I use Pointers instead of Types, so I can have a nil // if I do not need to Get a value of the GArrow procedure GArrowColor(iGArrow: Integer; Color: Integer); // sets the GArrow Color procedure ChangeGArrow(iGArrow: Integer; Width, Length: Word; ArrowKind: TArrowKind); // changes the width, length and kind of GArrow // this DrawGArrow must be placed in the arrow's parent WM_PAINT message procedure DrawGArrow(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); // functions for GBorder function MakeGBorder(hParent, Left, Top: Integer; Width, Height: Word; Kind: TBorderKind; Color: Cardinal; HiLoOff: Byte): Integer; // creates a GBorder, the HiLoOff is the "Offset" or Difference between the // hilight and shadow colors procedure GBorderColors(iGBorder, HiColor, LoColor: Integer); // use GBorderColors to assign your own "Special" light and dark colors // I have the Colors as Integers, so you can not use the color HiByte procedure ChangeGBorder(iGBorder, Color: Integer; Kind: TBorderKind; HiLoOff: Byte); // changes the Color, kind and color offset of a GBorder function GetGBorderRect(iGBorder: Integer): TRect; // will return the bounds rectangle for a GBorder // this DrawGBorder must be placed in the arrow's parent WM_PAINT message procedure DrawGBorder(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = implementation const Zero = 0; One = 1; mOne = -1; Two = 2; mTwo = -2; white = $FFFFFF; GButConst = $020000; GArrowConst = $030000; GBorderConst = $040000; type // position record for a GButton TGButRec = record hParent1: Integer; GRect: TRect; Hide: Boolean; Color: Cardinal; hFont1: Integer; Enable1: Boolean; ClickProc: TGButProc; Caption1: String; end; TArwPoints = Array[Zero..7] of TPoint; // position record for a GArrow TArrowRec = record hParent1: Integer; GRect: TRect; Hide: Boolean; Color1: Integer; AKind: TArrowKind; ArwPnts: TArwPoints; end; // position record for a GBorder TBorderRec = record hParent1: Integer; GRect: TRect; Hide: Boolean; Color1, HiColor, LoColor: Cardinal; Off: Byte; Dark: Boolean; bKind: TBorderKind; end; var // the 4 Count variables below keep the number of controls created LabelCount: Integer = Zero; GButCount: Integer = Zero; GArrowCount: Integer = Zero; GBorderCount: Integer = Zero; // the Arrays below store all of the position records for controls created AryGBut: Array of TGButRec; AryGArrow: Array of TArrowRec; AryGBorder: Array of TBorderRec; // ButDown will record which GButton got a Left button dowm message ButDown: Integer = mOne; // Label functions / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / procedure DoGLabelRect(iGLabel: Integer); var Size1: TSize; sDC: Integer; begin // this procedure will calculate the bounds rectangle for the text block // of the font used in a GLabel if ((iGLabel < Zero) or (iGLabel > High(AryGLabel))) then Exit; sDC := GetDC(Zero); // text calculation are done on the screen DC with AryGLabel[iGLabel] do begin if FontHnd > Zero then SelectObject(sDC, FontHnd); if Text = '' then begin GRect.Right := GRect.Left+One; GRect.Bottom := GRect.Top+One; end else if GetTextExtentPoint32(sDC, PChar(Text), Length(Text), Size1) then begin GRect.Right := GRect.Left+Size1.cx; GRect.Bottom := GRect.Top+Size1.cy; end else begin GRect.Right := GRect.Left + (Length(Text)*8); GRect.Bottom := GRect.Top+25; end; end; ReleaseDC(Zero, sDC); end; function MakeGLabel(hParent, Left, Top: Integer; const Caption: String; Color1: Cardinal = Zero; hFont: Integer = mOne): Integer; begin // creates a GLabel, and uses DoGLabelRect( ) to get the size of it's display Result := mOne; if not IsWindow(hParent) then Exit; SetLength(AryGLabel, LabelCount+One); with AryGLabel[LabelCount] do begin hParent1 := hParent; TextColor := Color1; GRect.Left := Left; GRect.Top := Top; if hFont < Zero then FontHnd := GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT) else if hFont = Zero then FontHnd := GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT) else FontHnd := hFont; Hide := False; Text := Caption; end; DoGLabelRect(LabelCount); Result := LabelCount; Inc(LabelCount); end; procedure ChangeGLabel(iGLabel: Integer; const Caption: String; hFont: Integer = mTwo); begin // used to change the Text or font of a GLabel with AryGLabel[iGLabel] do begin if ((iGLabel < Zero) or (iGLabel > High(AryGLabel))) or ((Text = Caption) and (hFont = mTwo)) then Exit; InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); if hFont > mTwo then if hFont = mOne then FontHnd := GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT) else if hFont = Zero then FontHnd := GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT) else FontHnd := hFont; if Caption <> '' then Text := Caption; DoGLabelRect(iGLabel); InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); end; end; procedure RefreshGLabel(iGLabel: Integer; Visible: Boolean = True); begin // called to repaint a GLabel if ((iGLabel < Zero) or (iGLabel > High(AryGLabel))) then Exit; AryGLabel[iGLabel].Hide := not Visible; InvalidateRect(AryGLabel[iGLabel].hParent1, @AryGLabel[iGLabel].GRect, True); end; procedure DrawGLabels(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); var LN: Integer; begin {you will need to call this function in every window's WM_PAINT message in the Window Proc that has any labels on it, this procedure loops through the Labeles info array and draws them on the parents windows DC} SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); // I set the DC to transparent and do NOT reset it for LN := Zero to High(AryGLabel) do if hWnd = AryGLabel[LN].hParent1 then with AryGLabel[LN] do begin if Hide or (PaintRect.Bottom < GRect.Top) or (PaintRect.Right < GRect.Left) or (PaintRect.Top > GRect.Bottom) or (PaintRect.Left > GRect.Right) or (Text = '') then Continue; SelectObject(hDC, FontHnd); SetTextColor(hDC, TextColor); TextOut(hDC, GRect.Left, GRect.Top, PChar(Text), Length(Text)); end; end; // GButton functions / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / procedure GButPaint(index, hDC: Integer; Down: Boolean = False); var dRect: TRect; begin // this procedure will use the DrawFrameControl function to draw a button with AryGBut[index] do begin if Down then DrawFrameControl(hDC, GRect,DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH or DFCS_PUSHED) else DrawFrameControl(hDC, GRect,DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); if Caption1 = '' then Exit; SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); SelectObject(hDC, hFont1); dRect := GRect; InflateRect(dRect, mTwo, mTwo); if Enable1 then SetTextColor(hDC, Color) else begin OffsetRect(dRect, One,One); SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT)); DrawText(hDC, PChar(Caption1), mOne, dRect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER); SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); OffsetRect(dRect, mOne, mOne); end; if Down then OffsetRect(dRect, One, One); DrawText(hDC, PChar(Caption1), mOne, dRect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER); end; end; procedure DrawGBut(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); var GN: Integer; begin {you will nedd to call this function in every window's WM_PAINT message in the Window Proc that has any labels on it, this procedure loops through the Labeles and draws them on the parents windows DC} for GN := Zero to High(AryGBut) do if hWnd = AryGBut[GN].hParent1 then with AryGBut[GN] do begin if (PaintRect.Bottom < GRect.Top) or (PaintRect.Right < GRect.Left) or (PaintRect.Top > GRect.Bottom) or (PaintRect.Left > GRect.Right) or Hide then Continue; GButPaint(GN, hDC); end; end; procedure GButLDown(hWnd, lParam: Integer); var Pnt1: TPoint; i, hDC: Integer; begin // this procedure is called in the parent's windows WM_LBUTTONDOWN message Pnt1.x := SmallInt(lParam and $FFFF); Pnt1.y := SmallInt(lParam shr 16); for i := Zero to High(AryGBut) do with AryGBut[i] do begin if (hWnd <> hParent1) or Hide then Continue; if PtInRect(GRect, Pnt1) then begin if not Enable1 then Exit; ButDown := i; SetCapture(hWnd); hDC := GetDC(hWnd); GButPaint(i, hDC, True); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); Break; end; end end; procedure GButLUp(hWnd: Integer); var hDC: Integer; begin // this procedure is called in the parent's windows WM_LBUTTONUP message if ButDown = mOne then Exit; ReleaseCapture; hDC := GetDC(hWnd); GButPaint(ButDown, hDC); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); if @AryGBut[ButDown].ClickProc <> nil then AryGBut[ButDown].ClickProc(GButConst+ButDown); ButDown := mOne; end; function MakeGButton(hParent, Left, Top: Integer; Width, Height: Word; const Caption: String; OnClick: TGButProc): Integer; begin // creates a GButton and returns the ID number for it Result := mOne; if not IsWindow(hParent) then Exit; SetLength(AryGBut, GButCount+One); if Width < 10 then Width := 10; if height < 10 then Height := 10; with AryGBut[GButCount] do begin hParent1 := hParent; Color := GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT); GRect.Left := Left; GRect.Top := Top; GRect.Right := Left+Width; GRect.Bottom := Top+Height; hFont1 := GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); Enable1 := True; Hide := False; ClickProc := OnClick; Caption1 := Caption; end; Result := GButConst + GButCount; Inc(GButCount); end; function NoButIndex(var GBut: Integer): Boolean; var index: Integer; begin // determines if the ID number is in range of array index := GBut - GButConst; if (index < Zero) or (index > High(aryGBut)) then Result := True else begin GBut := index; Result := False; end; end; procedure setGButtonFont(iGButton, hFont: Integer; TextColor: Integer = mOne); begin // sets the font of a GButton if NoButIndex(iGButton) then Exit; if hFont > -1 then AryGBut[iGButton].hFont1 := hFont; if TextColor > -1 then AryGBut[iGButton].Color := TextColor; InvalidateRect(AryGBut[iGButton].hParent1, @AryGBut[iGButton].GRect, False); end; procedure ChangeGButton(iGButton: Integer; const Caption: String; Enable: Boolean = True); var Draw: Boolean; begin // changes the Text or enables a GButton if NoButIndex(iGButton) then Exit; Draw := False; with AryGBut[iGButton] do begin if Caption <> '' then begin Caption1 := Caption; Draw := True; end; if Enable1 <> Enable then Draw := True; Enable1 := Enable; if Draw then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, False); end; end; function GetGButBounds(iGButton: Integer): TRect; begin // returns the bounds rect for the GButton if NoButIndex(iGButton) then begin SetRectEmpty(Result); Exit; end; Result := AryGBut[iGButton].GRect; end; function isGButEnabled(iGButton: Integer): Boolean; begin // returns True if GButton is enabled if NoButIndex(iGButton) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; Result :=AryGBut[iGButton].Enable1; end; function GButCaption(iGButton: Integer): String; begin // returns the GButton caption string if NoButIndex(iGButton) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; Result := AryGBut[iGButton].Caption1; end; // GArrow Functions procedure SetGArrow(index, Width, Length: Word); const Six = 6; var HalfHWidth, HalfTWidth: Integer; ALPt, EndPnt: TPoint; i: Integer; begin // this will calculate the 7 points used to drawn a GArrow if Width < Six then Width := Six; if Length < Width+4 then Length := Width+4; HalfHWidth := Width shr One{div 2}; HalfTWidth := Trunc(HalfHWidth / 2.5); with AryGArrow[index] do case AKind of akRight..akLeft: begin ALPt.y := ArwPnts[Zero].y; EndPnt.y := ALPt.y; if AKind = akRight then begin ALPt.x := ArwPnts[Zero].x-Width; EndPnt.x := ArwPnts[Zero].x-Length; GRect.Left := EndPnt.x; GRect.Right := ArwPnts[Zero].x+One; end else begin ALPt.x := ArwPnts[Zero].x+Width; EndPnt.x := ArwPnts[Zero].x+Length; GRect.Left := ArwPnts[Zero].x; GRect.Right := EndPnt.x+One; end; for i := One to Six do if (i = 3) or (i = 4) then ArwPnts[i].x := EndPnt.x else ArwPnts[i].x := ALPt.x; ArwPnts[One].y := ALPt.y-HalfHWidth; ArwPnts[Two].y := ALPt.y-HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[3].y := EndPnt.y-HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[4].y := EndPnt.y+HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[5].y := ALPt.y+HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[Six].y := ALPt.y+HalfHWidth; GRect.Top := ArwPnts[One].y; GRect.Bottom := ArwPnts[Six].y+One; end; akUp..akDown: begin ALPt.x := ArwPnts[Zero].x; EndPnt.x := ArwPnts[Zero].x; if AryGArrow[index].AKind = akUp then begin ALPt.y := ArwPnts[Zero].y+Width; EndPnt.y := ArwPnts[Zero].y+Length; GRect.Bottom := EndPnt.y+One; GRect.Top := ArwPnts[Zero].y; end else begin ALPt.y := ArwPnts[Zero].y-Width; EndPnt.y := ArwPnts[Zero].y-Length; GRect.Bottom := ArwPnts[Zero].y+One; GRect.Top := EndPnt.y; end; for i := One to Six do if (i = 3) or (i = 4) then ArwPnts[i].y := EndPnt.y else ArwPnts[i].y := ALPt.y; ArwPnts[One].x := ALPt.x+HalfHWidth; ArwPnts[Two].x := ALPt.x+HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[3].x := EndPnt.x+HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[4].x := EndPnt.x-HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[5].x := ALPt.x-HalfTWidth; ArwPnts[Six].x := ALPt.x-HalfHWidth; GRect.Left := ArwPnts[Six].x; GRect.Right := ArwPnts[One].x+One; end; end; end; function MakeGArrow(hParent, PointX, PointY: Integer; Width, Length: Word; ArrowKind: TArrowKind; Color: Integer = Zero): Integer; begin // adds a GArrow info Record to the AryGArrow array Result := mOne; if not IsWindow(hParent) then Exit; SetLength(AryGArrow, GArrowCount+One); with AryGArrow[GArrowCount] do begin hParent1 := hParent; Color1 := Color; Hide := False; if ArrowKind = akNon then ArrowKind := akLeft; AKind := ArrowKind; ArwPnts[Zero].x := PointX; ArwPnts[Zero].y := PointY; ArwPnts[7] := AryGArrow[GArrowCount].ArwPnts[Zero]; end; SetGArrow(GArrowCount, Width, Length); Result := GArrowConst + GArrowCount; Inc(GArrowCount); end; function NoArwIndex(var GArw: Integer): Boolean; var index: Integer; begin // tests to see if the index is valid index := GArw - GArrowConst; if (index < Zero) or (index > High(AryGArrow)) then Result := True else begin GArw := index; Result := False; end; end; function GetGArrow(iGArrow: Integer; pPosition: PPoint; pBounds: PRect; pKind: PArrowKind): Integer; begin // this fuction can return several of the GArrow properties // I have used pointers here like PPoint so if you do NOT need that information // you just place a nil in that parameter // this returns the arrow color or a minus one if the index is out of range Result := mOne; if NoArwIndex(iGArrow) then Exit; with AryGArrow[iGArrow] do begin Result := Integer(Color1); if pPosition <> nil then begin pPosition^.x := ArwPnts[Zero].x; pPosition^.y := ArwPnts[Zero].y; end; if pBounds <> nil then pBounds^ := GRect; if pKind <> nil then pKind^ := AKind; end; end; procedure ChangeGArrow(iGArrow: Integer; Width, Length: Word; ArrowKind: TArrowKind); begin // this will change the width, height and Kind for a GArrow if NoArwIndex(iGArrow) then Exit; with AryGArrow[iGArrow] do begin if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); if ArrowKind <> akNon then AKind := ArrowKind; SetGArrow(iGArrow, Width, Length); if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); end; end; procedure GArrowColor(iGArrow: Integer; Color: Integer); begin // this only changes the Color of a GArrow if NoArwIndex(iGArrow) then Exit; if Color <> AryGArrow[iGArrow].Color1 then begin AryGArrow[iGArrow].Color1 := Color; if not AryGArrow[iGArrow].Hide then InvalidateRect(AryGArrow[iGArrow].hParent1, @AryGArrow[iGArrow].GRect, True); end; end; // you Must place this DrawGArrow in the GArrow's parents message function procedure DrawGArrow(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); var AN, oBrush, Brush, oPen, Pen: Integer; begin for AN := Zero to High(AryGArrow) do if hWnd = AryGArrow[AN].hParent1 then with AryGArrow[AN] do begin if (PaintRect.Bottom < GRect.Top) or (PaintRect.Right < GRect.Left) or (PaintRect.Top > GRect.Bottom) or (PaintRect.Left > GRect.Right) or Hide then Continue; Brush := CreateSolidBrush(Color1); Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID,Zero,Color1); oBrush := SelectObject(hDC, Brush); oPen := SelectObject(hDC, Pen); Polygon(hDC, ArwPnts, 8); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, oBrush)); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, oPen)); end; end; // GBorder functions procedure SetBorColors(GBorder, Color: Integer; cOff: Byte); const red = $FF; green = $FF00; blue = $FF0000; var r,g,b: Integer; begin // this will calculate the HighLight and Shadow colors for the GBorder r := ((Color and red) + cOff)-Two; if r > red then r := red; g := (Color and green) + ((cOff+4) shl 8); if g > green then g := green; b := ((Color and blue) + (cOff shl 16))-$20000; if b > blue then b := blue; AryGBorder[GBorder].HiColor := r or g or b; r := ((Color and red) - cOff)+Two; if r < Zero then r := Zero; g := (Color and green) - ((cOff+4) shl 8); if g < $100 then g := Zero; b := ((Color and blue) - (cOff shl 16))+$20000; if b < $10000 then b := Zero; AryGBorder[GBorder].LoColor := r or g or b; r := Color and red; g := (Color and green) shr 8; b := (Color and blue) shr 16; r := Round((r*0.9)+(g*1.5)+(b*0.6)) div 3; if r < $8F then AryGBorder[GBorder].Dark := True else AryGBorder[GBorder].Dark := False; end; function MakeGBorder(hParent, Left, Top: Integer; Width, Height: Word; Kind: TBorderKind; Color: Cardinal; HiLoOff: Byte): Integer; begin // this will add a GBorder to the AryGBorder array Result := mOne; if not IsWindow(hParent) then Exit; SetLength(AryGBorder, GBorderCount+One); if Width < 8 then Width := 8; if Height < 8 then Height := 8; with AryGBorder[GBorderCount] do begin hParent1 := hParent; if HiLoOff = Zero then HiLoOff := $1A; Off := HiLoOff; Color1 := Color and white; if Kind = bkNon then Kind := bkFlat; if Kind = bkFlat then begin HiColor := Color1; LoColor := Color1; end else SetBorColors(GBorderCount, Color1, HiLoOff); GRect.Left := Left; GRect.Top := Top; GRect.Right := Left+Width; GRect.Bottom := Top+Height; bKind := Kind; Hide := False; end; Result := GBorderConst + GBorderCount; Inc(GBorderCount); end; function NoBorIndex(var GBor: Integer): Boolean; var index: Integer; begin // tests to see if the GBor is in the Index of the array index := GBor - GBorderConst; if (index < Zero) or (index > High(AryGBorder)) then Result := True else begin GBor := index; Result := False; end; end; procedure GBorderColors(iGBorder, HiColor, LoColor: Integer); begin // this will set the HighLight and Shadow colors to any custom colors if NoBorIndex(iGBorder) then Exit; if HiColor > Zero then AryGBorder[iGBorder].HiColor := HiColor and white; if LoColor > Zero then AryGBorder[iGBorder].LoColor := LoColor and white; if not AryGBorder[iGBorder].Hide then InvalidateRect(AryGBorder[iGBorder].hParent1, @AryGBorder[iGBorder].GRect, False); end; procedure ChangeGBorder(iGBorder, Color: Integer; Kind: TBorderKind; HiLoOff: Byte); begin // changes the GBorder Color, Kind and color offset if NoBorIndex(iGBorder) then Exit; with AryGBorder[iGBorder] do begin if HiLoOff > Zero then Off := HiLoOff; if Kind <> bkNon then bKind := Kind; if Color > mOne then Color1 := Color and white; if not ((Color < Zero) and (HiLoOff = Zero)) then if bKind = bkFlat then begin HiColor := Color1; LoColor := Color1; end else SetBorColors(iGBorder, Color1, Off); if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); end; end; function GetGBorderRect(iGBorder: Integer): TRect; begin // gets the bounds Rect of a GBorder if NoBorIndex(iGBorder) then begin SetRectEmpty(Result); Exit; end; Result := AryGBorder[iGBorder].GRect; end; // you Must place this DrawGBorder in the GBorder's parents message function procedure DrawGBorder(hWnd, hDC: Integer; const PaintRect: TRect); var BN, oBrush, oPen, Pen: Integer; Color: Cardinal; begin // draws the rectangles for a GBorder oPen := Zero; for BN := Zero to High(AryGBorder) do if hWnd = AryGBorder[BN].hParent1 then with AryGBorder[BN] do begin if (PaintRect.Bottom < GRect.Top) or (PaintRect.Right < GRect.Left) or (PaintRect.Top > GRect.Bottom) or (PaintRect.Left > GRect.Right) or Hide then Continue; case bKind of bkFlat: begin Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID or PS_INSIDEFRAME,Two,HiColor); oPen := SelectObject(hDC, Pen); oBrush := SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); Rectangle(hDc, GRect.Left, GRect.Top, GRect.Right, GRect.Bottom); SelectObject(hDC, oBrush); end; bkDown..bkOut: begin if bKind = bkDown then Color := HiColor else Color := LoColor; Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID,Two, Color); oPen := SelectObject(hDC, Pen); MovetoEx(hDC, GRect.Right-One, GRect.Top+One, nil); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Right-One, GRect.Bottom-One); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Left+One, GRect.Bottom-One); if bKind = bkDown then Color := LoColor else begin if Dark then Color := Zero else Color := $708080; Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID,Zero, Color); oPen := SelectObject(hDC, Pen); MovetoEx(hDC, GRect.Right-One, GRect.Top+Two, nil); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Right-One, GRect.Bottom-One); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Left+Two, GRect.Bottom-One); Color := HiColor; end; Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID,Two, Color); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, Pen)); MovetoEx(hDC, GRect.Left+One, GRect.Bottom-One, nil); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Left+One, GRect.Top+One); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Right-One, GRect.Top+One); if bKind = bkOut then begin SetPixel(hDC, GRect.Left+One, GRect.Bottom-One, LoColor); SetPixel(hDC, GRect.Right-One, GRect.Top+One, LoColor); end else begin if Dark then Color := Zero else Color := $708080; Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID,Zero, Color); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, Pen)); MovetoEx(hDC, GRect.Left+One, GRect.Bottom-3, nil); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Left+One, GRect.Top+One); LineTo(hDC, GRect.Right-Two, GRect.Top+One); end; end; bkGrove..bkBump: begin if bKind = bkGrove then Color := LoColor else Color := HiColor; Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID,Zero, Color); oPen := SelectObject(hDC, Pen); oBrush := SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); Rectangle(hDc, GRect.Left, GRect.Top, GRect.Right-One, GRect.Bottom-One); if bKind = bkGrove then Color := HiColor else Color := LoColor; Pen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID ,Zero, Color); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, Pen)); Rectangle(hDc, GRect.Left+One, GRect.Top+One, GRect.Right, GRect.Bottom); SelectObject(hDC, oBrush); end; end; DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, oPen)); end; end; // G Control functions {there are 3 Common procedures and function, which can access G controls of more than One type, they are the MoveGCtrl, ShowGCtrl, and isGCtrlVisible, which are below, these 3 can do a GArrow, a GButton and a GBorder, they will not handle a GLabel} procedure MoveGCtrl(iGControl, Left, Top: Integer; Width, Height: Word); var i, offX, offY: Integer; begin // this will change the position of a G Control {in order to have One function for several control types, you will need to test the iGControl in all 3 of the index test functions - NoButIndex NoArwIndex NoBorIndex} if not NoButIndex(iGControl) then with AryGBut[iGControl] do begin if Width < 10 then Width := GRect.Right-GRect.Left; if Height < 10 then Height := GRect.Bottom-GRect.Top; if (GRect.Left = Left) and (GRect.Top = Top) and (GRect.Right = Left+Width) and (GRect.Bottom = Top+Height) then Exit; if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); GRect.Left := Left; GRect.Top := Top; GRect.Right := Left+Width; GRect.Bottom := Top+Height; if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, False); Exit; end; if not NoArwIndex(iGControl) then with AryGArrow[iGControl] do begin offX := Left - ArwPnts[Zero].x; offY := Top - ArwPnts[Zero].y; if (offX = Zero) and (offY = Zero) then Exit; if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); for i := Zero to 7 do begin ArwPnts[i].x := ArwPnts[i].x + offX; ArwPnts[i].y := ArwPnts[i].y + offY; end; OffSetRect(GRect, offX, offY); if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); Exit; end; if not NoBorIndex(iGControl) then with AryGBorder[iGControl] do begin if Width < 8 then Width := GRect.Right-GRect.Left; if Height < 8 then Height := GRect.Bottom-GRect.Top; if (GRect.Left = Left) and (GRect.Top = Top) and (GRect.Right = Left+Width) and (GRect.Bottom = Top+Height) then Exit; if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); GRect.Left := Left; GRect.Top := Top; GRect.Right := Left+Width; GRect.Bottom := Top+Height; if not Hide then InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); end; end; procedure ShowGCtrl(iGControl: Integer; Show: Boolean = True); begin // shows and hides a G Control if not NoButIndex(iGControl) then with AryGBut[iGControl] do begin if Hide <> Show then Exit; Hide := not Show; InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); Exit; end; if not NoArwIndex(iGControl) then with AryGArrow[iGControl] do begin if Hide <> Show then Exit; Hide := not Show; InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); Exit; end; if not NoBorIndex(iGControl) then with AryGBorder[iGControl] do begin if Hide <> Show then Exit; Hide := not Show; InvalidateRect(hParent1, @GRect, True); end; end; function isGCtrlVisible(iGControl: Integer): Boolean; begin // returns True if the G Control is visible Result := False; if not NoBorIndex(iGControl) then Result := not AryGBorder[iGControl].Hide; if not NoButIndex(iGControl) then Result := not AryGBut[iGControl].Hide; if not NoArwIndex(iGControl) then Result := not AryGArrow[iGControl].Hide; end; initialization finalization Finalize(AryGLabel); Finalize(AryGBut); end. |
This should give you some ideas about including code for a graphical control, there can be such a variety of "Picture" and image display for controls, you can have fun making an image button or other visual controls.
You can create your own graphical control units and then try to make some that have your special look and visual style. The next page will have some example code for a program using this GrafCtrls.pas unit. |
Next in Code Container Series
The following page shows you how to create a G control program, using this GrafCtrls unit.
13C. Using GrafCtrls Program