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16-A. Modal Windows
Top-Level Modal Windows


Methods To Have A Modal Window

Here at DelphiZeus, you have seen many ways to create top-level windows (Forms in a Delphi term). This lesson will give some methods for creating some "Modal" windows that block the user from accessing other forms of that thread. You know that the API function MessageBox( ) makes a modal window, and in Lesson-8 you got examples for the templete dialogs, which can be shown as a modal-window. With those modal dialogs, the system handles all of the work to disable the other forms and block code progression. If you want or need to do your own "Modal" effects for a top-level window, you will need some API methods to do this. The code example for this lesson is the MsgWnds.pas unit, which has code for modal message forms. This will have code to show you how to have "Message" windows that will disable other windows, and block code progression.

What is "Modal"? ? When a modal top-level window is displayed, users can ONLY interact with that window, and not with the forms that were already shown for that program (thread). User input (keyboard focus) can NOT be transfered to any other window of that program, the user must finish with the modal window before he can use other windows. If you only have one top level window, a method that you can use to do this is to have -
    EnableWindow(hForm1, False);
to disable hForm1 and show your new window. When the new window closes you will then enable hForm1. This method gives a "Modal" effect, but does Not block code execution, and wait for a function to return, before other code is executed, although you can have code to run after the new window closes. To have a function that shows a modal window an blocks code execution takes some special coding, because you must block code progression AND allow system message handling (not block thread), which is not so easy.

Pop-Up Message Windows
This lesson has methods to use with temporary modal "Message" pop-ups. The system API has several ways to show modal messages, here I will create my own message windows using methods you have seen before here at DelphiZeus. I will show methods to have these windows function as "Modal" windows. First I present a method to get all of the handles for top-level windows in a thread, and place them in an array. Then dis-able all of these top-level windows. Next I will show you a way to "Block" code progression with a function and still allow the thread to proccess system messages, so the code progression waits for the function to return, but the temporary pop-up window still works and responds to user mouse and keyboard input.

Disable All Thread Windows
To have a modal effect you could just disable the top-level widows that are currently visible, show the modal window, close the modal window, and enable the dis-abled windows. If you want to have a unit with modal windows , you will need a more universal way to get the top-level windows. There is a way to get the top-level windows for your thread, and have a "Message Box" kind of unit. The API function EnumThreadWindows( ) will use a callback function to tell you all of the top-level windows that exist in a thread. The function is defined as -

function EnumThreadWindows(
    dwThreadId: Cardinal; // thread identifier
    lpFn: Pointer; // pointer to callback function
    lParam: Integer // integer value sent to callback
    ): BOOL; // True if succesfull
The dwThreadId parameter should be set to the thread ID you need the windows for. You must have a "CallBack Function" to use with this, it's memory address in placed in the lpFn parameter. This function is called, by the system, one time for every top-level window in that thread. This EnumThreadWndProc( ) function has the parameter syntax of -
function EnumThreadWndProc(
    hWnd: Cardinal; // handle to thread top-level window
    LParam: Integer // Integer value from EnumThreadWindows
    ): BOOL; StdCall; // True to continue, defined as StdCall
This function will execute with the top-level window handle in the hWnd parameter, and the EnumThreadWindows-LParam in the LParam. You set the result to True to continue the enumeration (get more windows), or False to stop it. In the MsgWnds.pas unit code, I will be recording all of the top-level window handles in an array of integers called aryEnabled, so each time this function is called the array size is increased and the hWnd handle added to the array.

You can see the code methods I used for EnumThreadWindows( ) in the MsgWnds.pas unit code below. The top-level window disable starts with the DisableForms( ) procedure, which has the EnumThreadWindows( ), Since I want windows in the main thread, it uses the API function GetCurrentThreadId to supply the thread ID number. The enumeration callback function is FoundTopLevel( )

Blocking Code Progression
To have an effective "ShowMessage function" you will need it to block code progression and wait for the message window to get a user response and close the temporary modal window. You have seen API functions before that block code progression, but how chould you do this and wait for your window to close? You can not use the Sleep( ) function or anything that will not allow someone to use and click the modal message window. If your "ShowMessage Function" has to wait for the window to close, you will need to create a loop to repeat and test for some signal that the window has closed. This loop will need to have a way to get and dispatch the system message queue messages, so the user can click the modal window and have the dis-abled windows paint themselves. There is an API function called WaitMessage which will stop code progression and wait for system messages, when a system message arrives for that thread, it returns. This function will yield control to other threads as long as the message queue is empty, just what we need. I have made a function that has a repeat loop which will call the WaitMessage and then process the messages. You can look at two function below, the first one function DoUserMsgs will get the message queue messages and dispatch them. It is important that is function re-post the WM_QUIT message, so your program can finish execution. The next one is function WaitTilClose( ), that will run a repeat loop calling DoUserMsgs and WaitMessage so code progression is blocked by this WaitTilClose function, but user messages are processed.

function DoUserMsgs: Boolean;
aMsg: TMSG;
{ for the WaitTilClose repeat loop , you will need to
  get the message queue messages and dispatch them }
Result := False; //WaitTilClose loop continues while Result is False
while PeekMessage(aMsg, Zero, Zero, Zero, PM_REMOVE) do
  if aMsg.message = WM_QUIT then
     Result := True; // set Result to end WaitTilClose repeat loop
// IMPORTANT, must get WM_QUIT and repost it
     end else
     if not IsDialogMessage(GetActiveWindow, aMsg) then

function WaitTilClose(hWnd: Integer): Integer;
// this function allows you to wait until the hWnd window closes
aResult.Result := IDCancel;
aResult.hWnd := Zero;

  if DoUserMsgs or (aResult.hWnd = hWnd) then Break;
  WaitMessage; { returns when message queue is not empty
    the  WaitMessage  function is what allows the message window to
    wait for the MsgResult function to return. The WaitMessage
    function will yield control to other threads when
    this thread has no messages}
  until (aResult.hWnd = hWnd) or (not IsWindow(hWnd));
Result := aResult.Result;
These two functions are in the MsgWnds.pas Unit code below, the way I get a window close event to break the repeat loop, is with the aResult record. In the WaitTilClose function the aRecord is initialized to ID = IDCancel, , and hWnd = 0 . When a message window closes, it will set the aResult.hWnd to it's handle, the repeat loop tests the aResult.hWnd for the window handle, and will break out of the loop if the handle matches.

Using the MsgWnds.pas Unit

There are only two public functions in the MsgWnds.pas Unit, ShowMsg( ) and MsgResult( ) .

The ShowMsg( ) Procedure
This is a simple message window coding procedure, it is defined as -

procedure ShowMsg(
   hParent: Integer; // owner window handle
   const Mess: String; // message text 
   const Title: String // Text for caption title
This procedure will show a message window of only one size, 260 pixels wide and 124 pixels high. It creates a STATIC control to display the message text, and will have one button at the bottom of the window with the caption "OK" on it. You can place

The MsgResult( ) Function
I wanted to have a general purpose modal "Message Box" function that blocked code progression and had options for custom buttons captions and client icons. This message display window would also auto-size to adjust the form's width and height to fit around the text length of the message. I have the MsgResult( ) function, which has three parameters, two strings for the message and title, and the third for setting message form options, a PDlgSetUp parameter. The function looks like this -

function MsgResult(
   const Msg: String; // text for the message displayed
   const Title: String; // text for the Title Bar Caption
   pDlgSetUp1: PDlgSetUp // pointer to a TDlgSetUp record with options
   ): Integer; // returns button click ID
I wanted this function to have many options and also a "Default" that did not require any options to be set, so I have the options parameter as a Pointer, instead of a TDlgSetUp. . For a simple default settings message box, with an "OK" button, you set the pDlgSetUp1 to NIL, and you do not do any code for options. Also you can set the pointer pDlgSetUp1 to a number, 1, 2, 3 or 4 and have a system message box Icon, and not do any code for options. I will show code for this later. If you want to set the options for this message form, you will need to make settings in the TDlgSetUp record passed to this function. Here is a list of what options I have for changing the message window -
  1. Alignment of the message text as left or center align.
  2. Top and Left Screen position of the message window, including a setting for center of screen position.
  3. Pick a system message box icon, or set your own icon handle, for the display window icon.
  4. Set it to show it's icon on the client area, or not.
  5. Set the number of buttons (1,2 or 3), and pick the captions of the buttons from a list of commonly used captions (like OK-Cancel). You can also set it to use your own text strings as the button captions.

    The TDlgSetUp Record
This record has all of the options for this message form. The MsgWnds.pas Unit has all of the option types and records defined as the first part of the unit interface code. This record looks like this -

TYour = record // has settings for your button captions and icon
  ButText1, ButText2, ButText3: String[12]; 
    // 12 or less charaters on your button.

  hIcon: Integer; // your Icon handle

PDlgSetUp = ^TDlgSetUp;
TDlgSetUp = record
  hParent: Integer; // dialog "Owner", form handle that calls dialog

  CenterText: Boolean; // CenterText is True for text center aligned

  dLeft, dTop: Integer; // positions, set to 0 for work area center

  DlgIcon: TDlgIcon; // sets the Icon for the dialog

  ClientIcon: TClientIcon; // set to have a Client area Icon

  Buttons: TDlgButton; // sets the buttons, how many and captions

  Your: TYour; // holds settings for "Your" options
      Record Members -
1:   hParent
- This is the window handle of the form that will "Own" (as parent) the Pop-Up window.

2:   CenterText - A Boolean that will set the message text alignment, if True then the text is center align, if False then the text is left align.

3:   dTop, dLeft - These two will set the screen position for the message window to the Top and Left placed in these integers. There is a check in the message window creation code of these values, to make sure that it will show the window on screen. Having a Modal window created and not visible to the user is bad coding. Also, for a Default screen center position, set them to a minus number like -1.

4:   DlgIcon - Sets the icon used for the message window caption bar. This is a TDlgIcon type, and has the following values -
    TDlgIcon = (diInfo, diError, diWarn, diQuestion, diYour, diDef);
The first four will use the system message box icon of it's name, , diQuestion: question-mark icon, , diError: error icon, , diWarn: warning icon, , diInfo: information icon.
The diYour is used to have your icon shown as the window icon. You must place your icon handle in the hIcon of the TDlgSetUp.Your: TYour record. The "Your" record member of the TDlgSetUp is a record with three short strings (buton text) and an icon handle. This TDlgSetUp.Your.hIcon is ignored unless you set the DlgIcon to diYour.

5:   ClientIcon - Will set the if the window icon is shown on the client area. It can have one of three values defined in the TClientIcon type as -
    TClientIcon = (ciNone, ciYes, ciOver);
The ciNone does not show the icon in the client area. I have two options for the client area icon of 32x32 size, both create an icon static control that is in the upper-right corner of the window's client area. The ciYes has the message text block area reduced in width to allow the 32 pixel wide Icon not to overlap the text. With the ciOver, the text display area width is NOT reduced, and overlaps the icon, so for special smaller icons, you can format your text line length to fit the icon. If you use this ciOver, you will need to shorten your message text line length for the first few lines.

6:   Buttons - Sets the number of buttons shown on message form, and the caption text on these buttons. It is a TDlgButton type, defined as -
    TDlgButton = (dbOK, dbOkCancel, dbYesNo, dbYesNoCancel, dbRetryCancel,
            dbStartCancel, dbStopContinue, dbYour1, dbYour2, dbYour3);
There are 10 button values, the first 7 will use button captions of the value given, the dbOK will have one button with the "OK" caption, the dbYesNo will have two buttons, with "Yes" on one and "No" on the other button. The last three are "Your" button options, dbYour1 will have one button, dbYour2 has two and dbYour3 has three buttons. This allows you to have your custom text captions on the buttons. You must use the "Your" record member of the TDlgSetUp and use the TDlgSetUp.Your.ButText1 for the button caption text. . . . . . .
This also sets the posible return values of the MsgResult( ) Function for the button clicked, see the "Return Values" below.

7:   Your - This is a TYour record defined above, with 3 short strings for your button text and a hIcon for your icon handle. If you have a dbYour in the Buttons record member, you need to have your button caption text in the ButText short strings. The hIcon handle is Only used if the DlgIcon has the diYour in it.

MsgResult( ) Function Return Values
I have set the control ID values for the message window buttons to the corresponding API MessageBox( ) function result values. I have added 5 more result constant ID values to the unit for those ID numbers not in the API (IDStart, IDStop, IdOne, IdTwo, IDThree). All message windows can be closed by clicking the standard window caption "X" close button, and MsgResult( ) will return with IDCancel. Each button caption has a function result ID number value listed below -

  • Cancel - IDCancel
  • OK - IDOK
  • Yes - IDYes
  • No - IDNo
  • Retry - IDRetry
  • Start - IDStart
  • Stop - IDStop
  • Continue - IDCancel
  • Your Text1 - IDOne
  • Your Text2 - IDTwo
  • Your Text3 - IDThree

Code For MsgWnds Unit Functions

Here are some procedures that show some code for the ShowMsg and MsgResult functions.

ShowMsg( ) Procedure
This first code block uses the ShowMsg, it also has a MessageBox function in it to show you that the ShowMsg does NOT block code progression -

  ShowMsg(hForm1, #10'A Short Message for you', 'Message Title');
  // add the main Form handle, then your message and title text

  MessageBox(hForm1, 'Code progress was NOT BLOCKED with ShowMsg',
                 'NO Wait', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
When you run this code the MessageBox window will show up over-top of the ShowMsg window, because code progression is not blocked by ShowMsg. The MessageBox function may be a better way to show your user a message, I have this ShowMsg procedure just as a demo, to show how the DisableForms procedure works. You can use the line feed character #10 in your message text to have line breaks in the STATIC control text. You should have a top-level window handle in the hParent parameter. The ShowMsg window is always the same size, but will be a good size for most messages.

MsgResult( ) Function
I made the MsgResult so you can have more options than the MessageBox function for a message window. This has 2 of the parameters, Message and Title, as the MessageBox function. For more options you place a TDlgSetUp record in the pDlgSetUp1. For less code work I have "Default" settings by placing a NIL in the pDlgSetUp1 parameter and it will set the values used. This way you can show your MsgResult window with only the Msg String. The Title string is automatically set if it is an empty string, if you do not want any text in the window caption you need to place a "Space" character in that Title string. To have default settings AND change the Icon, you can typecast a number, 1, 2, 3 or 4 to a Pointer for the pDlgSetUp1. Use a 1 for Error Icon, 2 for Warning Icon, 3 for Question Icon, and 4 for main form Icon, as in Pointer(2). Below is some code to show you how to use the NIL for default settings -

  MsgResult('This has NIL as the pDlgSetUp1 parameter'#10+
            'So this will have the "Default" settings',
            '', nil);

  MessageBox(hForm1, 'Program Execution was BLOCKED with the '+
             'MsgResult function'#10'just like MessageBox( )',
             'Wait', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
  MsgResult('ERROR - This has "Pointer(1)" as the pDlgSetUp1 '+
            'parameter'#10'So this will have the Error Icon '+
            'with default settings', 'Fake Error', Pointer(1));
    // having Pointer(1) will show the Error Icon

To use all the options available with MsgResult, you will need to fill in a TDlgSetUp record. First, the TDlgSetUp variable you use may NOT be initialized, so you should start by using
ZeroMemory( )
or other way to initialize the values in your TDlgSetUp record variable. Using the ZeroMemory will set the record values as a "Default", as these -

hParent as zero, code will execute to get a thread window as parent
CenterText as False
dLeft and dTop, as zero, will place window at center screen
DlgIcon as diInfo
ClientIcon as ciNone
Buttons as dbOK
Your, not used

So you will need to change only the one not already set to what you want.

Below is a procedure with example code for using the TDlgSetUp with MsgResult. It uses the ClientIcon as ciOver to show you how to get text to display under the client Icon, the top two lines of text are beside the icon and the third line can be below the icon. -

procedure doMsgResult;
dSetUp: TDlgSetUp;
fRect: TRect;
ZeroMemory(@dSetUp, SizeOf(dSetUp));
{The TDlgSetUp variable is NOT initialized, so it can have
 any values in it, you should always ZeroMemory for it}
with dSetUp do
  //CenterText := False; // not needed
  // since you have used ZeroMemory, defaults are set like -
  // CenterText as False;
  hParent := hForm1;

  if GetWindowRect(hParent, fRect) then
    dTop := fRect.Top+128;
    dLeft := fRect.Left+154;

  DlgIcon := diQuestion;
  ClientIcon := ciOver;
  // ciOver is user to get text Under the Icon
  Buttons := dbYesNo;

if MsgResult('This is a Question Message to read'#10+
 'with ciOver third line goes under the icon'#10+
 'Longest line of this message sets window width'#10+
 'Do You want to do this?','',@dSetUp) = IDYes then
   ShowMsg(hForm1, #10'Result was Yes', 'Result of MsgResult');

You can have buttons with your text captions on them, and a client icon showing your icon. Belows is a code example that uses the "Your" member of the TDlgSetUp record -
procedure doYourMsg;
ReStr = 'Result of MsgResult';

dSetUp: TDlgSetUp;
Re1: Integer;
ZeroMemory(@dSetUp, SizeOf(dSetUp));
// defaults are set with ZeroMemory
with dSetUp do
  CenterText := True;
  hParent := hForm1;
  dTop := 18;
  DlgIcon := diYour;
  // with diYour you place your custom icon in the Your.hIcon
  ClientIcon := ciYes;
  Buttons := dbYour3; // 3 custom text caption buttons
  Your.ButText1 := 'Do  It';
  // these Your.ButText must be set to the 3 button captions
  Your.ButText2 := 'Maybe Later';
  Your.ButText3 := 'Forget It';
  Your.hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance,'YourIcon');
  // place your custom icon handle in Your.hIcon

Re1 := MsgResult('A Question Message, asking what to do.'#10+
            'Second line has more info about options'#10+
            'Pick the "Do  It" to see a MsgResult'#10#10+
            'Do You want to do this?',
if Re1 = IDOne then
  MsgResult('The Result was "Do It"', ReStr, nil)
  else if Re1 = IDTwo then
  ShowMsg(hForm1, #10'Result was "Maybe Later"', ReStr)
  else if Re1 = IDThree then
  ShowMsg(hForm1, #10'Result was "Forget It"', ReStr)
  else if Re1 = IDCancel then
          'Result was "Cancel"'#10'Clicked the X', ReStr);

MsgWnds.pas Unit, a Message Window Unit

Here is the code for this MsgWnds.pas Unit. There are functions to get all of the top level windows and disable them, and then enable them later. The ShowMsg procedure is a simple non-blockig message window code. If you want it to block code progression just add the WaitTilClose( ) function. This unit is mostly about the MsgResult( ) function, which you should look at to get ideas for making your own code-blocking modal windows. There are several parts to the MsgResult function, which gets the width and height needed for the text of the message, sets the icon, creates and positions the number of buttons. You can add your own message window options, maybe a color option.

unit MsgWnds;
{This MsgWnds unit has two functions to show modal message windows.}


// Below are the settings used for options in the MsgResult function

{IDStart and IDStop are added dialog button results,
 for the Start and Stop buttons}
IDStart = 20;
IDStop = 21;
{ the 3 constant values below are returned by the MsgResult( ) function
  if you have "Your" buttons on the message dialog}
IDOne = 600;
IDTwo = 601;
IDThree = 602;

{the 3 types below TDlgIcon, TClientIcon and TDlgButton are used in the
 TDlgSetUp record. The TDlgButton sets the buttons shown on the dialog.
 The TDlgIcon sets the icon shown on the dialog. The TClientIcon sets if
 an Icon will be shown on the Client Area.}

  TDlgIcon = (diInfo, diError, diWarn, diQuestion, diYour, diDef);
 { diQuestion, diError, diWarn, diInfo - will use the system dialog Icons
   diYour - will set the Icon you place in TDlgSetUp.Your.hIcon
   diDef - will use the default Application Icon in Resource MainIcon }

  TClientIcon = (ciNone, ciYes, ciOver);
 { ciNone - No Icon on the Client Area
   ciYes - places Icon at top, on the right of all text, will NOT cover text
   ciOver - Icon on the top-right of Client Area, overlaps any text under it }

  TDlgButton = (dbOK, dbOkCancel, dbYesNo, dbYesNoCancel, dbRetryCancel,
              dbStartCancel, dbStopContinue, dbYour1, dbYour2, dbYour3);
 { you should get the buttons captions from the TDlgButton Names,
   like dbOkCancel - two buttons with OK on one and Cancel on the other.
   If you want to place your own text on buttons, use dbYour1 for One Button
   use dbYour2 for 2 buttons, dbYour3 for 3 buttons. Place the button's
   caption in the ButText1, ButText2 strings of the TDlgSetUp.Your record}

  TYour = record // has settings for button captions and icon
    ButText1, ButText2, ButText3: String[12]; { only 12 charaters on a button.
      if you set TDlgButton to dbYour1, dbYour2 or dbYour3 then place the
      caption text for your buttons in ButText1, ButText2 and ButText3 }

    hIcon: Integer; // this Icon handle is used if you set diYour in DlgIcon

  PDlgSetUp = ^TDlgSetUp;
  TDlgSetUp = record
    hParent: Integer; // sets Parent "Owner" of dialog, form that calls dialog

    CenterText: Boolean; // set CenterText to true or text is left aligned

    dLeft, dTop: Integer; // position of window, set to 0 for work area center

    DlgIcon: TDlgIcon; // sets the Icon for the dialog

    ClientIcon: TClientIcon; // set to have a Client area Icon

    Buttons: TDlgButton; // sets the buttons, how many and captions

    Your: TYour; // holds settings for "Your" options

procedure ShowMsg(hParent: Integer; const Mess, Title: String);
{ ShowMsg is a simple "Modal" window that does NOT Block code progression.
  It is mostly to show you how block user input to forms on screen}

function MsgResult(const Msg, Title: String; pDlgSetUp1: PDlgSetUp): Integer;
{ the MsgResult function is for message display that blocks code progression.
  You have string inputs for the message and title. There is a pDlgSetUp1
  parameter, which is a pointer type, if you have NIL for this pointer, you
  will get the default settings with an OK button. You fill and place a
  TDlgSetUp in this pointer to use the Options available in this function}


uses Windows, Messages;

Zero = 0;
ID_Static = 200;

MsgClass: TWndClass;
aResult: record hWnd, Result: Integer; end;
  // aResult is used to get a button click Result for the MsgResult function
FontBut, aFont: Cardinal;
hFParent: Integer;
aryMsgForms: Array of Integer;
  { aryMsgForms has all of the handles of the message windows
    this will allow more than one message window to exist }
aryEnable: Array of Integer;
  // aryEnable has all of the handles for the dis-abled windows

procedure DeleteMsgForm(Handle: Integer);
i: Integer;
// this procedure removes a handle form the aryMsgForms array
for i := Zero to High(aryMsgForms) do
  if Handle = aryMsgForms[i] then
    if i <> High(aryMsgForms) then
  // the MoveMemory will move all of the array data forward one position
    setLength(aryMsgForms, Length(aryMsgForms)-1);

function FoundTopLevel(hWnd, LParam: Integer): BOOL; StdCall;
i: Integer;
// this is the call back function for EnumThreadWindows  function
Result := True;
// return true to get all windows

{I wanted to be able to show more than one Message-window, the Msg-windows
 are also top-level, and I did not want any Msg-Wnds to be disabled,
 so I add all Msg-Wnds handles to the aryMsgForms array}
for i := Zero to High(aryMsgForms) do
  if hWnd = aryMsgForms[i] then Exit;
  // if a top-level is a Msg-Wnd then exit and do NOT add it to aryEnable

SetLength(aryEnable, Length(aryEnable)+1);
// make aryEnable larger and add window handle
aryEnable[High(aryEnable)] := hWnd;

procedure DisableForms;
i: Integer;
{ if there is no aryEnable handles, then use EnumThreadWindows
 to get all top-level windows in the aryEnable array }
if Length(aryEnable) = Zero then
  EnumThreadWindows(GetCurrentThreadId, @FoundTopLevel, Zero);

  // after all top-level are in aryEnable, dis-able all with EnableWindow( )
  for i := Zero To High(aryEnable) do
   EnableWindow(aryEnable[i], False);

function MsgFunc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam:Integer):Integer; stdcall;
PaintS: TPaintStruct;
i: Integer;
cRect: TRect;
// this is the Window Proc for all of the message windows
case Msg of
  WM_CLOSE: begin
    // when a message window closes the aResult is set
    if (aResult.hWnd <> hWnd) then // you test to see if aResult.Result is valid
      aResult.Result := IDCancel;
      aResult.hWnd := hWnd;
    // remove this window from the aryMsgForms array with DeleteMsgForm
    if High(aryMsgForms) < Zero then
      // if all of the msg forms are closed, then High(aryMsgForms) is -1
      // you need to enable all the top windows
      for i := Zero to High(aryEnable) do
        EnableWindow(aryEnable[i], True);
      SetLength(aryEnable, Zero); // reset aryEnabled array to zero

  WM_PAINT: begin
    // to have a visual clue for a message window I paint a white line
    GetClientRect(hWnd, cRect);
    BeginPaint(hWnd, PaintS);
    SelectObject(PaintS.hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
    SelectObject(PaintS.hDC, GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN));
    Rectangle(Paints.hDC,cRect.Left, cRect.Top, cRect.Right, cRect.Bottom);
    Result := Zero;

    // aResult is used for the WaitMessage repeat loop, so set it for button click
    aResult.Result := LOWORD(wParam); // button ID
    aResult.hWnd := hWnd; // set aResult.hWnd to handle for valid Result in WM_CLOSE
    PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, Zero, Zero); // any button clicked closes window

Result := DefWindowProc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam);

function DoUserMsgs: Boolean;
aMsg: TMSG;
{ for the WaitTilClose repeat loop , you will need to
 get the message queue messages and dispatch them } 
Result := False; // WaitTilClose loop continues as long as Result is False
while PeekMessage(aMsg, Zero, Zero, Zero, PM_REMOVE) do
  if aMsg.message = WM_QUIT then
     Result := True;
// IMPORTANT, must get WM_QUIT and repost it, set Result so repeat loop is ended
     end else
     if not IsDialogMessage(GetActiveWindow, aMsg) then

function WaitTilClose(hWnd: Integer): Integer;
// this function allows you to wait until the hWnd window closes
aResult.Result := IDCancel;
aResult.hWnd := Zero;

  if DoUserMsgs or (aResult.hWnd = hWnd) then Break;
  { the  WaitMessage  function is what allows this to be a "Modal" window AND
    wait for this MsgResult function to return. The WaitMessage  function will
    yield control to other threads when this thread has no messages }
  until (aResult.hWnd = hWnd) or (not IsWindow(hWnd));
Result := aResult.Result;

procedure ShowMsg(hParent: Integer; const Mess, Title: String);
hNew, hBut: Integer;
{this ShowMsg procedure creates a modal message box window.
 It does NOT block code progression like the API MessageBox function.
 But it does disable all top-level windows for a modal effect.
 For this lesson, the code here is simple, I do NOT size the message window
 or offer any options except the message and title strings,
 there can only be an OK button}
hNew := CreateWindow(MsgClass.lpszClassName, PChar(Title),
             WS_CAPTION or WS_POPUP or WS_VISIBLE,
             ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) div 2)-130)+(High(aryMsgForms)*6),
             (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) div 2)-75, 260, 124,
              hParent, Zero, hInstance, nil);

if hNew = Zero then Exit;

setLength(aryMsgForms, Length(aryMsgForms)+1);
aryMsgForms[High(aryMsgForms)] := hNew;
{ you must add this window handle to the aryMsgForms array
  to have more than one message window}

 WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD,6,6,246,54,hNew,ID_Static,hInstance,nil),

hBut := CreateWindow('BUTTON', 'O K',
SendMessage(hBut, WM_SETFONT, FontBut, Zero);

// call DisableForms procedure to have a Modal effect

// WaitTilClose(hNew);
// if you want to block code progression then add the WaitTilClose above

function FindParent(hWnd, LParam: Integer): BOOL; StdCall;
Result := True;
if GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_HWNDPARENT) = Zero then
  hFParent := hWnd;
  Result := False;

{below is the MsgResult function, this has many options that are in a TDlgSetUp
 record in the pDlgSetUp1 parameter. To have an auto-sizing, muti-button,
 client icon many option message box, requires much code}

function MsgResult(const Msg, Title: String; pDlgSetUp1: PDlgSetUp): Integer;
hNew: Integer;
TextRect, Rect1: TRect;
sDC, hIcon1: Cardinal;
DSU1: TDlgSetUp;
aTitle: String;
workRect: TRect;
first: Boolean;

    procedure MakeButton(const Cap: String; aPos, ID: Integer; but: Integer = 2);
    bRect: TRect;
    aLeft, aWnd: Integer;
    // this procedure will make and position all of the buttons

    if but = 1 then // sets the button position in aLeft for number of buttons
      aLeft := (Rect1.Right - 80) div 2
      if but < 3 then
      aLeft := (Rect1.Right - (80 * 2) - 10) div 2
      aLeft := (Rect1.Right - (80 * 3) - 20) div 2;

    case aPos of // aPos has the button's order place in it
      1: SetRect(bRect,aLeft,TextRect.Bottom+3,80,24); // first button
      2: SetRect(bRect,aLeft+90,TextRect.Bottom+3,80,24); // second button
      3: SetRect(bRect,aLeft+180,TextRect.Bottom+3,80,24);
      else SetRect(bRect,104,TextRect.Bottom+3,80,24);

    aWnd := CreateWindow('BUTTON', PChar(Cap),
    SendMessage(aWnd, WM_SETFONT, FontBut, Zero);
    if first then
      SetFocus(aWnd); // give focus to first button made
    first := False;

first := True; // first is used to set focus on the first button created
hFParent := Zero;
EnumThreadWindows(GetCurrentThreadId, @FindParent, Zero);
  { FindParent function should get the main window, you should have a parent
  for message windows, if the hParent is not a window then hFParent is used }

if IsBadCodePtr(pDlgSetUp1) then // use defaults if pDlgSetUp1 is not a PDlgSetUp
  {I have this fuction so if you set the pDlgSetUp1 to nil, you get the
   default settings, added to DSU1 below }
  ZeroMemory(@DSU1, SizeOf(DSU1)); // sets defaults in record
  with DSU1 do
    hParent := hFParent;
    ClientIcon := ciYes;
    { I have added a way to set the Icon and have default entrys also added.
      the pDlgSetUp1 can be set to 1, 2, 3, or 4 , for an Icon number}
    case Cardinal(pDlgSetUp1) of
      1: DlgIcon := diError;
      2: DlgIcon := diWarn;
      3: DlgIcon := diQuestion;
      4: begin
        DlgIcon := diDef;
        ClientIcon := ciNone;

  pDlgSetUp1 := @DSU1; // DSU1 as the default
  end; // if IsBadCodePtr

Result := IDCancel;
hIcon1 := Zero;
aTitle := 'Message';

with pDlgSetUp1^ do // set the Icon used for this message box
if (DlgIcon = diYour) and (Your.hIcon  > 32) then
  hIcon1 := Your.hIcon
  case DlgIcon of
    diQuestion: begin
      aTitle := 'Question';
      hIcon1 := LoadIcon(Zero,IDI_QUESTION);
    diError: begin
      aTitle := 'Error';
      hIcon1 := LoadIcon(Zero,IDI_ERROR);
    diWarn: begin
      aTitle := 'Warning';
      hIcon1 := LoadIcon(Zero,IDI_EXCLAMATION);
    diInfo: begin
      aTitle := 'Infomation';
      hIcon1 := LoadIcon(Zero,IDI_ASTERISK);
    diDef: hIcon1 := MsgClass.hIcon;

if Length(Title) > Zero then
  aTitle := Title;

  {the code below with TextRect will get the rectangle size of the Text in the
   Message parameter using the DrawText( ) function,
   the size of the window will be changed to fit the text rectangle}
SetRect(TextRect, Zero, Zero, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) div 2, Zero);
sDC := GetDC(Zero);
SelectObject(sDC, aFont);
DrawText(sDC, PChar(Msg), -1, TextRect,
ReleaseDC(Zero, sDC);

// if short text, I make sure the window is not smaller than 204 pixels wide
if pDlgSetUp1.Buttons in [dbYesNoCancel, dbYour3] then
  if TextRect.Right < 274 then
  TextRect.Right := 274;
  end else
  if TextRect.Right < 204 then
  TextRect.Right := 204;

Inc(TextRect.Bottom, 16);

if (pDlgSetUp1.ClientIcon = ciYes) and (hIcon1  > 32) then

if not AdjustWindowRect(Rect1,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,False) then

if not SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, Zero, @workRect,Zero) then
  SetRect(workRect, Zero, Zero, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),
with pDlgSetUp1^, workRect do
  // setting dTop to less than 1 (zero) will get center screen Y
  if dTop < 1 then
    dTop := ((Bottom - Top) div 2)- (Rect1.Bottom div 2)
    if dTop > Bottom-36 then dTop := Bottom-36;
  { IMPORTANT - you should test to see if window is visible on the
    work area, since this is a Modal window, it should be available to the user}
  if dLeft < 1 then // dLeft to zero will set center screen X
    dLeft := ((Right - Left) div 2)- (Rect1.Right div 2)
    if dLeft > Right-36 then dLeft := Right-36;

  if not IsWindow(hParent) then  // try to have an owner window
    hParent := hFParent;
  hNew := CreateWindow(MsgClass.lpszClassName, PChar(aTitle),
             dLeft, dTop, Rect1.Right, Rect1.Bottom,
             hParent, 0, hInstance, nil);

if hNew = Zero then Exit;
GetClientRect(hNew, Rect1);

if hIcon1 <> Zero then
  if hIcon1 <> MsgClass.hIcon then
    SendMessage(hNew, WM_SETICON, 1, hIcon1);

  if pDlgSetUp1.ClientIcon <> ciNone then
    SendMessage(CreateWindow('Static', nil,
           STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, hIcon1);

if Ord(pDlgSetUp1.CenterText) > 1 then pDlgSetUp1.CenterText := False;
// the code above is if the TDlgSetUp has not been filled with Zeros

            (SS_CENTER * Ord(pDlgSetUp1.CenterText)),8,8,TextRect.Right,
            WM_SETFONT, aFont, Zero);

setLength(aryMsgForms, Length(aryMsgForms)+1);
aryMsgForms[High(aryMsgForms)] := hNew; // add this to the aryMsgForms handles

with pDlgSetUp1^ do
case Buttons of // sets the number of buttons, their caption and ID number
  dbOK: MakeButton('O K', 1, IDOK, 1);

  dbOkCancel: begin
    MakeButton('O K', 1, IDOK);
    MakeButton('Cancel', 2, IDCancel);

  dbYesNo: begin
    MakeButton('YES', 1, IDYes);
    MakeButton('NO', 2, IDNo);

  dbYesNoCancel: begin
    MakeButton('YES', 1, IDYes, 3);
    MakeButton('NO', 2, IDNo, 3);
    MakeButton('Cancel', 3, IDCancel, 3);

  dbRetryCancel: begin
    MakeButton('Retry', 1, IDRetry);
    MakeButton('Cancel', 2, IDCancel);

  dbStartCancel: begin
    MakeButton('Start', 1, IDStart);
    MakeButton('Cancel', 2, IDCancel);

  dbStopContinue: begin
    MakeButton('Stop', 1, IDStop);
    MakeButton('Continue', 2, IDCancel);

  dbYour1: MakeButton(Your.ButText1, 1, IDOne, 1);

  dbYour2: begin
    MakeButton(Your.ButText1, 1, IDOne);
    MakeButton(Your.ButText2, 2, IDTwo);

  dbYour3: begin
    MakeButton(Your.ButText1, 1, IDOne, 3);
    MakeButton(Your.ButText2, 2, IDTwo, 3);
    MakeButton(Your.ButText3, 3, IDThree, 3);

DisableForms; // set for modal

Result := WaitTilClose(hNew);
// WaitTilClose will process messages AND not return until msg window is closed

procedure DoSetup;
NonClMetrics: TNonClientMetrics;
FontLog1: TLogFont;
// initialization code, register the class and makes fonts
ZeroMemory(@MsgClass, SizeOf(MsgClass));
with MsgClass do
  hInstance := SysInit.hInstance;
  hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance,'MAINICON');
  if hIcon = Zero then
    hIcon := LoadIcon(Zero,IDI_WINLOGO);
  lpfnWndProc :=   @MsgFunc;
  hbrBackground := COLOR_BTNFACE+1;
  lpszClassName := 'Msg4 Class12';
  hCursor := LoadCursor(Zero,IDC_ARROW);

NonClMetrics.cbSize := SizeOf(NonClMetrics);
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, Zero, @NonClMetrics,Zero);
aFont := CreateFontIndirect(NonClMetrics.lfMessageFont);
// get system message font

ZeroMemory(@FontLog1, SizeOf(FontLog1));
with FontLog1 do
  lfHeight := -11;
  lfWidth := 5;
  lfOutPrecision := OUT_TT_PRECIS;
  lfPitchAndFamily := VARIABLE_PITCH or FF_SWISS;
  lfFaceName := 'Arial'#0;
if aFont = Zero then
  aFont := CreateFontIndirect(FontLog1);

with FontLog1 do
  lfHeight := -12;
  lfWidth := 6;
  lfWeight := 700;

FontBut := CreateFontIndirect(FontLog1);




I hope you can take time to try and experiment with the different methods presented in the code above for
modal windows. You can change the defaults in the MsgResult function to those that you might use more.
You can also add your own options to the TDlgSetUp Record, or maybe add a "Sound" when
the MsgResult window is displayed with the MessageBeep(MB_ICONERROR) function.


Next Page
The next page shows you how to create a Program that makes a Tray icon in the task bar's status area.
  Tray Icon Program


Lesson -     One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen