IT tips for teachers:

How to get a folder in the CLOUD to store worksheets and  
   resources that you could share with your students

More simple version for Year 7 students - explaining the Cloud,
how to access the Cloud and use Google apps:


Cool Tools
for students to use

New Student Presentation Tools Good for use on an IWB, simply click and drag the coloured dot.​ Good for use on an IWB

Student ICT Activities

An example of a 'freemind' mindmap.

How to set up a safe class Blog

Microsoft OneNote        Using OneNote for video/audio recording     Instructions on OneNote given using 'Smart Recorder'

How to use 'Smart Recorder' - desktop screen movement capture and voice recording - for any student instruction or demonstration....

Lesson activities for Smart Boards (Interactive whiteboards) via wiki

 Video clip - What is a Wiki        An example of a class wiki (click 'Discussion' at the top to see student comments)
                                                An example of a wiki for work units

            To set up your own class wiki:

Video clip - What is Moodle. An example of a Moodle page, and some more good video clips

 Slide show about placing, and displaying digital photos - student art works, 
    projects or excursions etc.

 Make your own website, it's free and very quick! - using Googlepages


 Another place you can built a free website

 If you don't have Expression Web to build a website, try (free) to build your web pages.
Plus one for Mac users.             

Lesson activities for young and middle school Classes

 Video clip - What is Podcasting 

 Slide Show - What is Web 2.0 and implications for teachers (scroll down for slide show)

Making Study-Guides​ brainstorm using the IWB

