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The Adventures of Blue


This is the first game i started working on. I had no idea how to do real graphics (like bitmaps) so i used ASCII character codes (like letters and stuff). I had seen this game that used them so i was like hey i can do that. One of the characters happened to look like this character i used to draw on Paint. You are this happy face named Blue. You move around and can look at stuff by touching it (some things). Other things you hide behind.   If you go up to Red and press f, it will go into fight mode. This is what the whole thing actually started off as, a simple turn base menu where you choose what you wanted to do. I figured out how to move things around on screen and an easier way to put things down.  Later on I added the more complex stuff, like the tree and the warp thing.  I was going to make it to where there was a whole world to explore, hense the warp thingy. You were going to be able to warp from screen to screen. Then i figured out how to do bit maps....and grander ideas popped into my head! Blue was abandoned....Oooops!:D

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