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Joe's Big Bad Collection of Programs!

Hey everybody! Most of you that know me know that I’m a geek, nerd, and dork.  I don’t think that I’d have it any other way. That’s why I set up this page on a hobby that I’ve had for a while. Ever since I played my first video game when I was little I promised myself that one day I would be able to make one. Well here I am 13 years later with that promise fulfilled. I thought I’d make a page dedicated to my games. Take a look at it. If one catches your interest, let me know and i'll send it to you so you can check it out.  Please be sure and send me your comments! A link to my e-mail is below. Have a nice day!

QBASIC- Needed to run all the programs (right click and choose Save As)


Right click on games picture and choose Save As....make sure that you save QBASIC and the games in the     same folder....and remember where you saved them! Go to the folder and open QBASIC. It's an older looking program, but don't worry. Go to file/open and choose a game. Click OK. When the game is loaded, go to Start/Run  (remember that you press Q to quit these games!)


The Adventures of Blue

Space Gun

Space Man

Farmer Bob


Bow and Arrow Demo

Card Shark

Santa's Bag


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