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Photo's of Darwin

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Most of the above picture's are of Military History in the Darwin City area, and the coastal picture's are taken from what were coastal defence position's in Darwin during WWII.  I took them to give you an idea of just how important the coastal defence positions were to Darwin during the war,  East Point being the main one.

The picture of the Cenotauph is to remember and honour those who served and made the supreme sacrifice in times of war, conflicts and peace.  There are some WWII pictures of Darwin after the first of the Japanese Bombing raids over Darwin on 19th of February 1942, Darwin was the only Australian capital city to be bombed and in an 18 month  period the Japanese launched a total of 63 raids on Darwin & the surrounding area.  The plaques are just a few of what is laid in honour at the Cenotauph, the Australian one's are one's that my grandfather and my great grandfather were involved with.

The pictures of the Old Vesty's Meatworks is where the troops were housed during the war up in Darwin, the water tank still stands but is now a gymnasium for the High School, the site of the Old Meatworks is now Darwin High School.  (For those of you who don't have the book Darwin's Air War, most of this won't mean anything to you really, you need the book to see the differences and so on).

If you have any questions just email me ok and I will do my best to help you out with the answers. 

I am hoping by next week to have some pictures from around Darwin up and running on this site, these pictures being from Howard and Berry Springs.  On Boxing Day I will be taking some pictures at the Adelaide River War Cemetery to add also.   So just keep a regular eye on this page as I keep adding new pictures to it.



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