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This is my daughter Brigette. She is one year old. Isn't she adorable? She was the proudest thing that I have ever accomplished when she came into my life. Here she is visiting with me. She does usually smile for the camera, however, this time she just wouldn't. But hey, at least she isn't crying!!!! Her birthday is on July 31. She has just started walking well and is very active in everything that she can get into! In her spare time she loves banging things on the end tables of our couch (glass tables) and playing with "MY LITTLE PONIES". *SMILES*.... I love you Brigette!!!!

This is Destiny LeAnn. She just turned the big "04". Yup,yup,yup. And might I say that she is a very very very energetic 4 year old. Man, she lovvvvvvvves candy. (I think that is what does it to her). And if you don't give it to her though, boy do you sure hear about it. (Until she gets it that is). :O) But that is okay, most of the time she only wants it, cause I antagonize her by telling her she cannot have it anyway. *Evil Grin* Well anyway, one very distinct thing that she does that I have found adorable is, she gives every animal around her a cute nick-name. For instance, we have a dog at Sissy's mom's house whose name is Toby, and Destiny calls her Tobious.... Hehehe.... Precious, don't ya think? Oh yeah, and she has a ridiculously gigantic collection of "My Little Ponies". And I think that is where Brigette gets it! *Smiles*

Will have other pictures of Trinity Anne (my youngest) very soon. We are also working on getting her with us here as well.

Parkers Student