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36 Little Ways  to  Lose Big

1.Drink 8 glasses of water a day.Drink an extra glass for every 25 pounds you are overweight.
2.Alcohol sabotages your body's ability to burn fat. Limit to one drink of alcohol per day.
3.Ease into skim milk. Drink 2% for a week, then switch to 1%, then skim milk.
4.Lose the juice but eat the orange.The fruit provides 3 grams of dietary fiber.
5.Get your roughage.Fiber rich foods are filling. Apples, oranges, apricots, oatmeal and beans are a good fiber foods
6.Eat lean protein. Such as turkey,chicken,pork tenderloin, cheese and fish.Eat 3 ounce servings without gravy.
7.Pass up bacon and eggs for pancakes with 2 Tblsp.syrup or English muffin with 2 tsp. jelly.
8.Don't overload on pasta and bread.
9.Swear off butter and margarine, instead use jelly on muffins, and other low fat seasonings on main dishes.
10.Hold the mayo on sandwiches, use mustard instead,low-fat meats, cheese and tomato and lettuce.
11.Don't eat cream soups.
12.Fudge (one ounce) has fewer calories than a hershey's chocolate bar.
13.Opt for low calorie frozen yogurt instead of cakes and pies and ice cream.
14.Ask your waiter for diet friendly menu choices when eating out.
15.Order just one slice of thin crusted pizza and a salad.
16.Opt for dishes that have been steamed or grilled not fried or sautéed.
17.At McDonalds' opt for a shake and a single hamburg or the Fajita Chicken Salad.
18.Do not get dressed in the morning until you have done some exercising.
19.Fold laundry or knit while watching T.V. Walk around while chatting on the phone.
20.Exercising moderately for 45 min. burns as much fat as exercising intensely for 30 min.
21.Make stress an excuse to exercise. Go for a walk.
22.Jog with a partner.Give each other the incentive and motivation.
23.Take a dance class.A nice way to get an aerobic workout.
24.Park a treadmill or stationary bike in front of the tv.
25.Always exercise to music.
26.Walking in the cold burns more calories, so does working out in a cold room.
27.If you are 30% above your ideal weight, exercise before you eat, otherwise exercise after you eat.
28.Rev up your metabolism by investing in hand weights.
29.Cook thinner, don't rely on fats and oils for flavorings.Experiment with different seasonings.
30.Halve serving size for everything except vegetables, and steam the veggies.
31.Spicy foods may curb your desire for sweets, try some chili peppers and Tabasco sauce.
32.Mix lean ground beef with ground turkey, to get the fat out.
33.Steamed shrimp are loaded with muscle-building protein and low in calories,also reduces cholesterol.
34.Burn more calories by eating 4 to 6 mini-meals per day including healthy snacks.
35.Replace fats with complex carbohydrates.Whole grain breads,cereals,rice, fruits and vegetables.
36.Use substitute sugar and low fat cream in your coffee.

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