Mind Over
Simple Tricks and Tips to boost your willpower
Determine why you are
on a diet -
Do you want to lose weight for yourself- to improve
your health, fit into your
clothes or boost your confidence ? What is your motivation ?
Find out why past
diets failed - Have you been using food as an emotional bandage
channeling your energy in a more positive direction, take a class, start a new
hobby, go for
a walk- anything to remove yourself from temptation
Keep a Food
Journal- Nothing is better to get you on track than writing down
you eat. Every bite counts, including those small tastes when
you're cooking.
You may be surprised at how much you eat in a
Set Goals that are
Realistic- Set goals that are not difficult to obtain. If you are a
potato, it would be unrealistic to set a goal of running three
miles a day, three times a week.
A more realistic goal would be to
pledge to walk around the block three times every other
day. Once you are
comfortable with a routine, build on it.
Try a little Creative
Visualization - Day-dreaming can be one of your best allies in
weight-loss program. When you are really craving an extra snack,
just think about
how terrific you'll feel as you walk along the beach a size or two
slimmer. keeping a mental
image can help you stay on track with
your diet.
Don't use food as a
Reward - Ever had one of those days where everything
to go wrong? Instead of reaching for food, by yourself a new tape,
or bottle of cologne.
Reward yourself without adding unwanted pounds.
Keep your Motivation
in sight - Find an photo of the slimmer you and tape it to
fridge, or hang a smaller-past favorite item of clothing you would
like to fit in again, out in
plain sight. Say to
yourself " I will succeed " Keep positive thoughts and
in sight, and your dream will become a reality.
Weight Loss Tips-
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