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Weight Loss Secrets From The Diet Doctors

Dieters who starve themselves rarely maintain weight loss long term. Low calorie diets, 1400 calories per day will give the body enough fuel while still allowing you to burn fat.
Watching The Fat Content
Fat in your diet equals fat in your body.
Try to keep your fat content less than 30 % of your daily calories. Read labels for hidden fats and oils.
Stay away from fried foods, butter and fatty meats and full-fat dairy products.When reading labels remember for every 100 calories in a food product there should be no more than 3 grams of fat.
Filling Up On Fiber
High fiber foods are not just filling- fiber binds with the fat and cholesterol in the foods we eat, helping the body to eliminate them, thus lowering the calories we absorb. Advise eating 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day.
The best sources are fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Controlling Portion Size
To ensure you're not taking in more calories than you realize, measure or weigh servings. Try bagging your snacks into one-ounce portions to avoid eating more than you intended. Freeze leftovers in single-serving portions. Use smaller bowls, and plates .
Being Realistic
Part of diet success is being practical of what you can or cannot do. A sound weight loss plan should be something you can sustain for a long time. Do not set yourself up for food binges thinking you cannot have candy, but rather have it every other day in moderation.
Boosting Metabolism
Exercise boosts your metabolism, the effects last several hours and it helps build muscle and increases your rate when you're at rest. Exercise 20-30 minutes three or four times a week.
Look at your body in a realistic light, it is more important to be fit and healthy than to be model thin. Just aim to lose 10% of your weight, and see what happens after that.

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