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Heredity  versus  Fat Genes

Genetic research shows that heredity does play a role in determining your shape- but that doesn't
mean you have to be heavy for the rest of your life. Why ?
Genes alone determine just 30%-40% of your weight-gain pattern; the biggest factors are what
you eat and whether you exercise. So the easiest path to a slimmer body is to address both sides
of the equation; eat right and control a few key gene groups: your appetite- taming hormone, your
fat storing genes, your fat burning genes and your exercise genes.
Sound difficult ? It's not !

To Turn Off Your Fat Genes
Fill up on Whole Grains
Including wheat-bran cereals,oat-bran cereals,oatmeal and brown rice. They are so low in fat
that eating them helps switch off a fat-storing gene that produces an enzyme known as LPL.
Cut of LPL's supply of high-fat foods, and it has nothing to store as extra pounds.
Eat Enough
Leptin, a hormone regulated by your genes- is critical to appetite control. When Leptin
works right, your appetite quiets down after you eat. But when it's out of whack, it constantly
sends signals to your brain. The best way to keep Leptin in balance, is to consume 10 calories
every day for every pound of your ideal weight. For example:
If you want to weigh 150 pounds-take in 1,500 calories per day.
Load your Plate with Raw Vegetables
High fiber plant foods help control the release of insulin, a hormone that affects whether
you burn calories or store them as fat.Eating simple starches like white bread sparks a
rise in blood sugar that causes insulin to shove the extra sugar into your fat cells.
In contrast, eating raw vegetables, which are loaded with complex carbs and fiber, releases sugar
gradually. And that helps control your insulin- no matter how much of the hormone your genes
have given you.
Walk For 30 Minutes per Day
Think you were born a couch potato ?
You may be right. The type of cell that predominates in your muscles- Type 1 (always ready
for action) and Type 11 (slow to respond) is genetic.
Exercise can change your muscle fibers and increase the number of capillaries reaching
each muscle cell- and eventually, Type 11 cells will become as vigorous as Type 1's.

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