Suzanne Somer's Easy Get Slim Guidelines
Eliminate all Funky Food
Our bodies digest the following foods
so rapidly; they create an excess of blood sugar
that must be stored in our fat cells.
Sweeteners such as sugar, corn syrup,
honey, molasses, maple syrup, fructose and
sucrose ; sweet vegetables such as carrots;
starchy foods such as white bread, pasta
and cereal, rice, corn, orange squash,
and potatoes; caffenated beverages and alcohol.
Eat Fruit Alone
And wait at least 20 minutes before eating
anything else.
The reason : Fruit causes gas and bloating
that can upset the digestive process of
other food and throw blood-sugar levels
off kilter.
Always add a serving of vegetables
to meals containing protein and/or fat
This assures that you're getting a healthy
balance of nutrients and gives you a small dose
of carbs- the body's main source of fuel-
to keep blood sugar levels steady while
requiring that stored fat be burned to
supplement your fuel supplies.
Always add a serving of vegetables
to meals containing carbohydrate-rich foods
The fiber in vegetables helps slow the
digestion of foods like whole- grain bread,
pasta and rice, preventing rapid increases
in blood sugar that triggers binges.
Eat foods rich in protein and / or
fat separately from foods rich with carbs
The reason : Protein and fat require acidic
enzymes for digestion. Carbs require
non- acidic ones. Eat these food groups
together, and the enzymes cancel each other out.
This slows the whole digestive process
so much that blood sugar dips, and the body
thinking it's running low on fuel, craves
more food.
Wait three hours between meals
If switching from a protein/ fat rich
meal to a carb-rich meat or vice versa.
This helps prevent an imbalance in digestive
enzymes that causes blood-sugar swings.
Eat at least three meals a day, and
eat until you feel satisfied
If you're eating the right foods in the
right combinations, your body will tell you when
it's had the right amount.
Why this works :
Food combining as set in the above guidelines keep blood-sugar levels
on an even keel.
As Suzanne said " Giving up butter and salad dressing, and opting
for fat-free food, did not help me
lose weight, instead it zapped my energy.
There are no counting calories, or fat. There is no hunger or deprivation.You
can eat fat and it doesn't
make you fat."
Adhering to this program, a diet full of proteins, fats and vegetables
will create a leaner healthier body.
According to a dietician, Chemicals in dietary fats are necessary for
normal cellular functioning.
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