It took Terri Four years to slim down
from a whopping 650 pounds to
a size 4 and 116 pounds.
She had realized she had to lose weight
or face death.
She called Jenny Craig Weight Loss
Center, and started on a diet and
exercise program. As the pounds melted,
her energy soared. She weaned herself
off of the diet plan and took Jenny
Craig's lessons into her kitchen,
broiling food and eating nonfat cheese
and fresh vegetables.
Her message to others is " Never Give
Up On Yourself "
Tips From Terri
*Drink Lots of water, it helps the whole
body and it keeps you from feeling hungry all the time.
*Eat complex carbohydrates, such as potatoes,
pasta and rice. They Fill you up, not out.
*Watch fat grams.Consume no more than
25 grams of fat a day. Read food labels.
*Bring home only healthy, low-fat foods.
*Use salsa, mustard and ketchup in place
of fatty sauces and mayonnaise.
*Never deprive yourself. If you feel like
cake, have a piece, just make sure it is the fat-free kind.
Banana Smoothie
1 med. banana, sliced
1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt
4 ice cubes
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
Artificial sweetener to taste. optional
Ground nutmeg, optional
In blender combine banana, yogurt, ice, vanilla, and sweetener;
puree until smooth. Pour into tall glass; garnish with nutmeg if desired.
Makes 6 servings, Per serving :
175 cal; 8g.protein; 1 g.fat ; 2 mg.chol; 37 g.carbs;93 mg.sodium
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