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Whoever thought that a two-legged,
talking rodent in pants who has a girlfriend, and hangs out with a short-tempered duck in a sailor suit,
be such a hit ?
Ta Da ~Mickey Mouse
           invented by Walt Disney

The Most Zaniest of all would have to be
"The Whoopie Cushion"
What kind of person would delight in sneaking that thing onto someone's chair, just to hear their own hot air going ~phssssssssssssttttt  !!!
Yuk and even putting their lips onto something someone has sat on.

The Bustle
No way could this have been invented by a woman.
I mean  some of our butts are big enough,
without making them stick out more.
Can you imagine sitting at out computers all day with that thing on ???
LOL  ~ too much

Doggie Toothpaste
On the average ~ How many people do you
know of , that actually brush their
dogs teeth.
And  tell me, " How  you get them to rinse and spit ??"

Aww..The Hula Hoop...
The craze of the 50's
that's  still around today
so are the hip replacements we now need...
hee hee
Was it invented by a caveman ??
{ well it's round ya know }

The Ultimate In
' Pet Rocks'
You don't have to feed them,
walk them, or even talk to them.
They never grow old, they never die.....
They don't  do anything
let's face it....

I just found this out  OMG
cannot believe this....
Someone really invented ' DIAPERS'
for birds....
Now the question is...
how we gonna catch them to put them on, and whose gonna change them when needed.
Great idea though,
would not have to wash my windshield as much.

Now this has to be just about the greatest
invention ever made~
Woman are you listening ??

A 'Muzzle' For Your Man
hee hee hee
invented by a woman
Who says you can't have the Last Word ??
And it also helps control his bad breath
ha ha ha
And remember he can't BITE...

Submit your Wacky Invention HERE
