Loss Tricks
Eat the same foods while taking in fewer calories. Reduce the fat grams. For example: Oven bake your french fries by spraying them with Pam and baking them in the oven. Do not go overboard on carbohydrate-rich foods like potatoes, bread and pasta. You can even substitute spaghetti squash for the pasta, and reduce your calorie intake by a quarter of the calories found in pasta. |
This adds up to a meal or snack every three hours or so. You will not feel starvation. Snack on fruit and low fat cheese between meals. Eating healthier foods more often will help keep blood sugar levels steady, keeping energy levels constant. Stopping the cravings for food does wonders for your willpower. |
Keep saying "I can't wait for the needle on the scale to move "and when it does it is an indescribably wonderful feeling. In the short term, it helps weight watchers focused. You won't fall very far off track if you're checking this regularly. It helps to motivate you. It's easier dealing with a few pounds at a time, rather than a lot. |
With lots of ordinary activities, you can expend about 140 calories a day by walking, taking the stairs instead of the elevator.Instead of setting out a specific exercise routine, do fun things, like bike riding, swimming, dancing, by varying different exercises you'll burn up more calories. Just try to find 10 minutes per day of fun exercise. |
Often we reach for bad food when we're not hungry. Instead of running out for a cheeseburger, try waiting 10 minutes and do some breathing exercises. Vitamin B complex helps with stress. Reducing stress reduces brain chemicals that cause cravings and increase fat storage. Over-time you save thousands in comfort-food calories. |
Having people rooting for you helps you to maintain your weight loss, your best friend may take you out for coffee, rather than ice-cream, or go rollerblading with your child. The more encouragement you get, the more successful you will be. |
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